mleku @mleku - 10mo
i just learned that there is indeed a way to increase alpha amylase in the body, and this should help reverse the buildup of amylose fibrils tangling up my nervous system yohimbe bark... so i've ordered it as a tea fingers crossed it's legit cos if it is omg i'm just so far into damage levels with amyloid plaques in my nervous system that it's hard for me to even switch my diet while remaining functional, and it's a challenge to figure out what i can eat as well as actually want to eat... to lower the pressure a little so i can eat as i am now but actually start to make real progress towards recovery would be such a relief if it frees up my libido that would be a good thing too because mine is practically dead but getting fully sharp focus vision again would be the biggest benefit in terms of my work, it's quite a challenge to read - and it's not because of rigid lens it's because of the jitter for my eyes is being interfered with and the image is not converging as normal leading to double vision i thought this was all about the alcohol but it actually looks like alcohol was one of the ways that i have been self medicating to stimulate insulin release and lower my blood sugar levels if yohimbe works i will see good progress in recovering over the next few months... can't wait #health #yohimbe