2033b - 2y
#[0] BTW - here are two tips to make it easier to work with Gutenberg blocks: 1. See the 3 line icon at the top right of the screen? Click that to see what blocks are in your post and navigate them. In a form it will show the input fields! 2. Click on any of the input fields. See the green square icon in the top-right? Click that to select the entire form. The block navigator made using blocks so much easier for me! #[1] #[2] #[3] https://cdn.masto.host/mastodonie/media_attachments/files/110/184/879/837/334/827/original/62764ca9af5772c6.jpg
c9baa - 2y
#[0] Can you translate that into screen reader instructions?
#[0] unfortunately I don't know how. Sorry. The block navigator icon is called "Document Overview" and has a hotkey CTRL-CMD-O (or it might be ALT instead of CMD, I use a PC keyboard). Hopefully the navigator is accessible. The form icon has an alt description of simply "form" which isn't very helpful if you have multiple forms.