mleku @mleku - 2h
i'm fine with email option, you gotta do what can be done sooner to get a thing into a state of usability let's be clear, this is beta, and early signups are beta participants, we are interested because we want it bad and are happy to have bugs and report them and get the thing working
there is such things as non-network identities using the user@location format, but anyway, the thing is that there is no consensus mechanism for tying names to nostr:npubs anyway... this would actually be a sane use of op_return then you could have the "location" being some code meaning "bitcoin blockchain" i'd sure be fine with spending a transaction to anchor my npub onchain to a name, just needs a scheme for superseding identifiers
makomichi the wolf of weeb street @makomichi - 17h
mleku @mleku - 7h
We just need nip-98 for auth and basta. Adding nostr signatures would be gravy
Silberengel @Silberengel - 8h
This does SSH and HTTP, apparently.
The Fishcake🐶🐾 @The Fishcake🐶🐾 - 15h
GM! We are learning and improving one catastrophic event at a time! Hang in there folks! 😂😂😂😭☕️☕️☕️
makomichi the wolf of weeb street @makomichi - 16h
I use it works on Nostrudel (at least the version I use). I'm not sure what's happening, but I keep seeing ghost emojis with double colons at the start and end too (like ::wolf::). I'll try adding both methods. Maybe there's a conflict in how platforms implement emojis.
Gigi @Gigi - 16h
Aeontropy @Aeontropy - 18m
testing coracle
Jay @Jay - 32m
Godspeed 🫂
Jay @Jay - 34m
For me it's fried egg and lamb sausage
mleku @mleku - 36m
the science is actually quite old, but the cost is still very high, i expect this is the next hype bubble we could even see a widespread blackout of the internet in coming days because there is an epic, unprecedentedly large coronal hole coming to face earth very soon,
node @node - 51m
We have entered a zone of turbulence 🤭🤭
node @node - 1d
Any consumer friendly devices that heat and mine btc that aren’t a scam? #asknostr
mleku @mleku - 1h
yeah, concurrency is a bitch, but it's MY bitch, and i love her
Silberengel @Silberengel - 1h
I mean, it probably doesn't matter, if we don't setup email, since git hardly uses it. Don't know, if it really matters.
there is nothing important going on, on github, per se, i mean, yes, many great software projects there but the freedom minded people are getting pretty mad at this situation being under the control of the most malicious software company in the world, who, as you have observed, seem to be trying to build the codebase for skynet
Silberengel @Silberengel - 2h
I only got on it to respond to NIP stuff and write issues, and that's turned out to be a bit of a nothingburger.
if you guys make this thing work so i can have hosting i'll redirect to the gitcitadel when i can make my repo public i hate github, always did, and that went 100000x when microsoft bought it to feed their AIs to try and build skynet
Yeah, it's gonna be an ongoing construction site, for a few years, probably. 😂 But a useable one, promise! Just setup the repo for the project and gave nostr:nprofile1qythwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnwdaehgu3wvfskuep0qythwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnswf5k6ctv9ehx2ap0qy88wumn8ghj7mn0wvhxcmmv9uq32amnwvaz7tmwdaehgu3wdau8gu3wv3jhvtcpr9mhxue69uhkzafwwp6hyurvv4ex2mrp0yhxxmmd9uqzqqm9x092su3hd9rdfe8aafxp5pzpak3cegkem9qhhvmqqm96406ct9x0dz a ticket, listing the guinea pigs -- errr... I mean, customers. Already so many feature requests, that I made the ticket into an epic, rather than a story.