Testing out shipyard.pub by nostr:npub1l2vyh47mk2p0qlsku7hg0vn29faehy9hy34ygaclpn66ukqp3afqutajft
Anyone curious how a note could be a prism? You should check out NIP 57 - Appendix G. NIP 57 is where all the specs for zaps live.
Appendix G specifies that a note can have many 'zap' tags each with a *pubkey* and *relative split*. Clients that support this will calculate the receiving address of each pubkey, and how much to send based on the percentage of their split relative to the total being zapped.
Under the hood, the client is individually zapping each recipient.
Go to any prism created by nostr:npub1arcweuxy0zkdcg08sljh058qp02ytrgnpzh4csa3ar42szyfgrpsw6ggtw and inspect the raw event detail to see what I mean. You'll hopefully see something like this:
"zap", "b624f6d00150f62f69eb305d3339db2ff98d5ce777b89d2cfbe7569717494791",
"zap", "b43c91f2a7b9d21bba3ddb08cc321840df249364fb716213508bb17383e1d930",
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