Savil @Savil - 6mo
Got to admit free speech isn't nice and rosey but it is necessary. It gives a chance for meaningful exchanges at the added caviat that you might get slurs and insults here and there. Some bitcoiners are apolitical but really everything in life is political. When dating and trying to get a potential partner that it political in that you are trying to get a person to choose you over another person. Businesses are political in that they are trying to make a case for consumers to vote with their money on their goods and services. Bitcoin is political in competing with centralized inflationary currencies. I was thinking after seeing an exchange between individuals on Stacker News on being apolitical vs helping out people in conflict zones. Can one really be apolitical when facing drones dropping bombs, troops and tanks rolling up? I've seen the argument to opt out the madness with bitcoin and leave but does it work at scale? If a critical mass of those in the military, lets say 300k people from each side of conflicts opts out and move to other countries would they be welcomed by bitcoiners and society? I think it is an interesting topic to mull over with nostr:nprofile1qqsysux42q9py8j3sa2y50nwtsh7u8g2q0sms5rn7fldkugtzyxkyzqpzfmhxue69uhk7enxvd5xz6tw9ec82cspz4mhxue69uhk2er9dchxummnw3ezumrpdejqzxnhwden5te0wfjkccte9ehhyctwvajhq6tvdshxgetkq47nsg