Blockers wield a lot of power on the #bluesky platform. Not only can you destroy someone's access to you, you also destroy anyone else's ability to view your past interactions, effectively burning history in the process. It keeps the entire platform conformist to the same set of views, because mass blocks on an account will ostracize and memory-hole them. It's the ultimate "safe-space" social network; a working prototype of a digital gulag. https://i.nostr.build/0Z0X.jpg#m=image%2Fjpeg&dim=1080x1239&blurhash=%7BN55%3BNfPRij%5BV%3FfQWAayQ*j%5BohaykDfQkDfQOJj%5BocayoIayf5j%5B%24%5EayWBj%5BWCfQa%23fQWBfQa%7CfQfQj%5Bj%5BfPNhj%5BoeayocfPf5fQr-fQa%7Ej%5BWYazbIfQpMfPWAfQadj%5BjYayR1fQogfQkDfQj%5DfQ&x=d43d109d12a0b8a50613fe6749f8f3b162f6fd5f76c1c3c544eafa445db95c96
If you're curious, I was told to "tip fat sex workers" and she didn't like the joke. The worst part is that I only got a glance at her profane reply in my notifications because I can't see the reply in the app. Sad 😢
Oshtor @Oshtor - 1y
Let me see if I understoond.. I could go there, interact in every single post you ever made and if I block you afterwards I'll throw all your posts and notes into oblivion ?
Say you did that. If a third person comes along and goes to PotatoBTC's page, they will not be able to see any of Oshtor's comments on any of Potato's posts. Nor will they see the contents of anything Oshtor quote reposted from Potato, like the screenshot above. Naturally, you and I will never see anything of each other until you lift the block. But the interesting thing is that no one else can see anything we said to each other. They'd only see one side or the other, depending on who they're looking at. If I posted a lie and you corrected me, someone would either only see the lie or the correction, but not both together. And vice versa if you posted the truth and I posted a lie in response. The propagandized population is more likely to be the blocking population. The truth seekers will allow dissenting opinions to stand the test of time and not block people as much. Followers on either side will only see the views of their own side, never the dissenting view.
They have built a mechanic that, when someone corrects your lie in a comment, you can say, "whoa. I can't let any of my followers see this correction of my lie. I'm going to block them." You have to think it's done on purpose to maintain the power of propagandists. Because truth seekers would allow dissenting voices to interact with them and support the corrections.
Two platforms. Two completely opposite plays. I think he made the perfect hedge supporting both nostr and bluesky.
I agree. It naturally forms echo chambers via the elimination of dissent.
That's really dangerous if you ask me
It's called an indulgence. You get those when you have the 💲💲💲 Institutions have been corrupt a long time.
True and it's even worst than your avarage social media because the whole point of bluesky is to make this echo chambers it seems
Here's a thread I started about the blocking mechanics. nostr:nevent1qqs0vw90zk3x7f0x3u3lc7473423lnt5uzn05zx7w0pns3v7r5fp53gpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfdupzp4mqw3jzyhy2kcgd4x2ft0rsez36gksrlz3z490sdl94h3ppu4e6qvzqqqqqqyartc4e
Pure concentrated hate. Ironic, for people so concerned with ending hate speech.
Yeah, the blocking there is way too powerful. I even wrote a post about it a while back. nostr:nevent1qqs0vw90zk3x7f0x3u3lc7473423lnt5uzn05zx7w0pns3v7r5fp53gpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfdupzp4mqw3jzyhy2kcgd4x2ft0rsez36gksrlz3z490sdl94h3ppu4e6qvzqqqqqqyartc4e