tanel - 11mo
looking for non-bitcoin economics/financial books any must-reads?
interesting, noted 📝
Mark Sea @marksea - 11mo
When Money Dies The Road to Serfdom
Marcelinho @marcelinho - 11mo
https://bitcoin-resources.com/books/categories/economics don't be put off by the link
Zach⚡️ @zforce - 11mo
The Road to Serfdom by Hayek
plebiANON @plebiANON - 11mo
Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life
The more I read about economics, the more I realize that it works very differently in theory than it does in the real world
would you say that applies to economics?
the books you refer to then cover more of the actual practice than the theory, you'd say?
Oh wonderful, thank you so much 🤗
Added to the list, thank you so much 💜
No. It’s all about personal responsibility and having control over your life. I guess you could abstract the concepts to personal economics as well, but no, nothing about economics.
Noted, absolute legend, thank you so much
added it to the list 💜🤌 thank you so much
oh, okay, was specifically looking for economics and finance here 💜 but i've heard a lot about the book and have a ton of respect for JP, so definitely noted
Ohhhh. I get it now. Your post is confusing and reads like you wanted a suggestion for anything not related to those topics. In that case, I recommend The Ethics of Money Production.
sathoarder @sathoarder - 11mo
The Wealth of Nations --Adam Smith
Dan Wedge @WedgeSocial - 11mo
Rich Dad, Poor Dad https://insidercambodia.asia/files/PDF/Rich%20Dad%20Poor%20Dad%20What%20the%20Rich%20Teach%20Their%20Kids%20About%20Money%E2%80%94That%20the%20Poor%20and%20Middle%20Class%20Do%20Not%20by%20Robert%20T.%20Kiyosaki%20(z-lib.org).epub.pdf
Ohh, it makes sense 😅 I'll try better next time Added the book to the list 💜
Thank you. I appreciate the efforts.
I think I have expressed incorrectly. I have only learned about the theory of austrian economics from books