nostrnaut @nostrnaut - 1y
you think #damusmerch is fire now? wait ‘til the inevitable rebrand happens have you secured your OG/early-adopter nostr:npub18m76awca3y37hkvuneavuw6pjj4525fw90necxmadrvjg0sdy6qsngq955 cap? #plebchain
not sure why nostr:npub12vkcxr0luzwp8e673v29eqjhrr7p9vqq8asav85swaepclllj09sylpugg posted the same image twice 🤷 this is why I nostr:npub18m76awca3y37hkvuneavuw6pjj4525fw90necxmadrvjg0sdy6qsngq955 🤙 nostr:note1eejr4dmru2w4hmfrks2r776fxph2xlkrgxc9segd560gq9hy4jeqtx8vqa
The: Daniel ⚡️ @daniel - 1y
Same thing happened to me and nostr:npub164q45vfa8prpl7f63stsl9qm9n22v6julkasjdqxjc8kevchsj0sp42rl3. nostr:npub16c0nh3dnadzqpm76uctf5hqhe2lny344zsmpm6feee9p5rdxaa9q586nvr Why is this happening?
Whenever I post an image on Primal I just upload it to and paste the link manually.