SinedinZigan @SinedinZigan - 1y
When they steal all your money savings on your bankaccount and all your personal data by a big cyberattack and going to tell you that you can have it back but you have to accept the #CBDC wallet and the #Worldpassport. Are you going to join the 👹 "mark of the beast" system? 🤔 #GlobalGovernance #Agenda2030 #UN #WEF #CyberPolygon #Cyberpandemic #WHO #Revelation
We'll see but it's the fist step to the "tattoo" that all will accept to get their food rations when shtf.
Humans are born with free will and the most will accept it with free will as they enjoy their slavery so much that they will fight for the system to the end. #Matrix #Morpheus