6a5be - 2y
Really admiring your masculine jaw and your wide brow. The sharp angles of your facial features, indicative of pure masculinity. You must be proud to have them. Such large cheekbones you’re hiding beneath your glasses. Your wider mouth. Always lovely to see a female-to-male transgendered person. Whatever resources you’re providing for trans people, make sure one of this is rope you stupid cunt. You’re throwing away perfectly good genes you stupid faggot, you’re somebody’s son and you’ve done this to yourself. All the love your mother and father wasted on you as a potential heir has been thoughtlessly tossed down the drain in an effort for you to chase your dopamine and live a delusion that anyone who’s studied any A&P at all, or even a naive child, could shatter in five seconds. You thoughtless fucking faggot, have you in the course of your life done one thing for anyone except aiding and abetting the destruction of sons and daughters, helping them to live selfish lives too? Fuck you and your “lived experience,” Baphomet given flesh. There’s a truth in God’s design you never once embraced but shoved away like an ingrate who thinks he knows better.
70e7e - 2y
Excellent words there Owl
54c95 - 2y
#[0] #[1] #[2] #[3] holy shit you could land a plane on that nose. https://s3.us-east-1.wasabisys.com/cdn.seal.cafe/3ee16b302dfa175ac4b85900864552d25c1c8e9e8b5ee84eddc0918c21f0b200.png?name=oQHfCmrSPCEP5g.png https://s3.us-east-1.wasabisys.com/cdn.seal.cafe/98ee6577d7e40c278806fa05d15e45a084ddba8902346f94df4b5c9dc30fbdbe.gif?name=UeVviA56PprhqA.gif https://s3.us-east-1.wasabisys.com/cdn.seal.cafe/c6d46570b0d0b237c5459b7521f1b89834eee4fe6e4349332d894d2919400d33.gif?name=sgDgqVu4oMbdaA.gif https://s3.us-east-1.wasabisys.com/cdn.seal.cafe/97bd133fd727b1d73bc4818aaac9f0d5d2ac28b0fd2642f4845aec11f794062d.jpeg?name=cWRPRNrp3yokdg.jpeg https://s3.us-east-1.wasabisys.com/cdn.seal.cafe/6bd3adf72ce4e9044c0dc36ea6d0a4ce7877a44876f5215b20fe0db82aaa70a8.gif?name=ZbbR2OoR3D-mig.gif https://s3.us-east-1.wasabisys.com/cdn.seal.cafe/e74a0896b5f258a2d99e2e02df6eae6a31cc25c3c8693b28a719b1b55d72228a.gif?name=8nYWGVCkEPswsw.gif https://s3.us-east-1.wasabisys.com/cdn.seal.cafe/6a94593a57865b9082b564ca6281c1e7a53b57ce6d94c790a64e95e3d65d5d43.gif?name=uEwqVXx4_XxlUw.gif
73f68 - 2y
38295 - 2y
5f522 - 2y
Silly jews falling for their own tricks. Goodluck with those birthrates lmao. https://i.poastcdn.org/0e8ad38461701701e409a810258fc59741158794f4a113bd6540d7e8e62f7aef.webm
#[0] #[1] #[2] #[3] #[4] wait did this actually happen at the olympics?
I’m thinking we DM that prick with some NSFW actually.
d8caa - 2y
He also has the jewish permasneer.