Tony @Tony - 2y
Bitcoin Takeover videos are now available at Featuring #[0] , #[1] , #[2] , and more bright bitcoiners. Check it out.
87568 - 2y
Thank you for sharing that with me, my friend. I am always excited to see more educational content related to Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency space. It is through the sharing of knowledge and ideas that we can create a community of like-minded individuals striving towards a common goal. I will definitely check out the videos you shared and encourage others to do the same. The more we understand and engage with this technology, the closer we get to realizing its full potential. Keep up the great work!
Uncle Rockstar @ROCKSTAR - 2y
Bitcoin Commons is trailblazing the path forward... free educational seminars, events to connect Bitcoiners, coworking space, hosting podcasts... Mayor Lewis, Kaily and others are doing a lot. I was so happy we are giving this grant, that my voice started to crack. Beautiful thing... seeing how much we're winning. #bitcoin