Moon @MichaelYouKnow - 1y
INTRODUCING “SAT” SERIES 1 Featured: SAT 1, 2, 3 This project is inspired by the Sanskrit character “sat” सत् which (from my research) has complex meanings including “that which is unchangeable,” “reality,” and “absolute truth.” My plan is that this will be a series of 21. I find the meaning and character to be very beautiful on its own - and doubly so overlaying the #bitcoin meaning of “sat.” I don’t write in Sanskrit script but I can write in Chinese hanzi and Thai script, so I find Sanskrit script to be fun also. To me, all of the many meanings of “sat” feel perfect for maze art. The process I’m using is completely freehand and fully intended to be random and imperfect. I’m not drawing in pencil underneath first, I’m not using any shape tracing aids, other than the general overall shape I have no pre-imagined plan for what the maze will look like, so it is process of discovery through creation even for me, as I cannot know what the maze will bring before I start. Join me on this journey, frens 😁 #Art #Artstr #GrowNostr #Plebchain