Cameri @Cameri - 1y
Does porn make men better, worse or neither?
Jeff Swann @Jeff Swann - 1y
IMO, neither. Are porn & masturbation addictive? Yes, potentially very much so. All sorts of plesant brain chemicals get produced. If you don't have anything good going on, it's very easy to sit around & jack off instead of being productive. But discipline is important in all things - food, exercise, entertainment, etc. Ignoring your sex drive won't make it go away forever. It's important to address all basic human needs in the healthiest way possible. Involving people you don't really care about is not particularly healthy. And a little self love once in a while doesn't hurt anyone. Do sexually explicit romance novels make women better, worse, or neither?
The flip side is that when a man can satisfy himself, then abusive & manipulative women lose the power to control him with sex. It's entirely possible to maintain a realistic view of women even if porn is consumed, in the same way that it's possible to watch action movies & not let them distort your understanding of physics, or that you can play violent video games without ever having any desire to actually do anything violent. While there is a lot of unhealthy thinking in the MGTOW movement, I'm not sure it isn't a fairly natural reaction to modern feminism & the way modern culture uses masculinity as a punching bag & celebrates very weak & unimpressive people. Marriage requires a man & a woman, the number of extremely unfeminine women who don't want kids is dramatically higher too.
I think birth control seriously screws up natural attraction mechanisms & makes females hyper irrational. Sugar & soy & veg oils compound all of this & have a similar effect on men. But I think women have been the primary target of a conscious multi-decade campaign to get them drugged & propagandized into believing they should work & pay taxes & generally reject a more feminine way of life. Men in a world with good women are harder to manipulate, but once you destroy the women in a society then you can easily destroy the men.
Noerms @noerms - 1y
Better 💪 Someone has to say it
Unpopular opinion: Modern men need porn. Let me explain… Evolution formed men to spread their genes as much as they could. Men are deep programmed to have multiple sex partners. Modern life introduced monogamy. Actually this is a pretty recent thing when compared to the whole history of mankind. So in order to fit in this new environment where men still have the urge to have sex with different women AND where nude women are more present around them than ever before, men need to adapt. So my theory is: Porn is a way for men to not surpress their deep biological craving while at the same time beeing able to life the modern standard monogamy lifestyle. What do you think? 🤔
Chris Tavrou @chris_tavrou - 1y
We know from experience
Men needing a pacifier is definitely an interesting take.
Why would you bother? Her language is shame, insults and guilt tripping with copious amounts of logical fallacies. That was not the point of my question so I ask you please don’t feed the troll.
So, it depends?
Louferlou @Louferlou - 1y
Except I don’t think monogamy is a recent thing. Strong and united family has always been a core condition to survival for mankind, so men have also been incentivized to have a single woman to preserve the family, it’s not a new thing. Or at least it’s not a no brainer thing that men are deeply programmed to have multiple sex partners, because their are incentives in both ways. And I’m not even sure that porn suppress the need to see many women for men, on the contrary…
What do you mean by “using” it?
Me conformo con una respuesta genérica. La idea era generar alguna discusión al respecto y ver que piensa la gente. ¿Consideras que una pregunta más específica o con más contexto hubiese sido más productiva?