scarcity requires trade-offs.
8R0ck3feller @8r0ck3feller - 3mo
On April 15, after you mail in your taxes ask … you and your friends over drinks … why pay? April 15th: ‘Why Pay?’ Day
They have a data visualization software similar to tableau.
This is stupid.
Remember when saving the entire global financial system required a bail out of ~$800B? Some estimates are that insurance will only play out ~$20B and total liabilities are around $150B. One city, one disastrous event ~10-15% what it took to “save” the *entire* global financial system in 2008-9.
There is no bankruptcy law covering states’ debts.
nostr:npub1r00t03pv2kxpes5x676xu3j2e0ag8hmmtzv8et0matxg876tnkgsp5sqe8 hey, subscriber here. A question/request about the charts on bitcoinstrategyplatform … the MVRV y-axis goes up to 30 even though the highest we’ve recently seen is ~10 … can we get the ability to change the axis (both x & y) and or will you better fit the axis so we can see the specifics around the recent data we’re looking at? Thanks.
Bitcoin replaces bonds.
It is kinda crazy to go all the way through a cycle … you get to see the rage quits, you see the slowly developing disinterest, you see the very public blow-ups, and you see yourself from four years prior. So much learning from all the predictable outcomes…gotta stay humble and avoid being a notable outcome.
What’s going to trigger the next round of QE (or emergency liquidity boosting action from the Fed)? Since there are those who say there is no recession imminent, why would the Fed stop taking dollars out of the system? What will cause interest rate action?
I like this take.
Rebranding is nothing new. The perk of having a lot of wealth during a rebrand is that the rebrand is easier and has a higher chance of being successful.
The last guest - Checkmatey - was too bearish.
In theory, they’re showing everyone the way to win. I’m rooting for their ridiculous success because it will lead to more corporate adoption. You’ve got to believe that governments will 6102 whatever they can. Publicly traded companies, ETFs, etc. That’s why I am pretty sure COIN and MSTR are in cahoots and all MSTR’s BTC isn’t fully custodied … fractional reserving is an obvious pre-6102 maneuver.
I don’t know … if they actually have all the bitcoin fully custodied they’re using bitcoin to exploit the weakness(es) of the fiat system. Their playbook works until 10-yr treasury yields are the equivalent to Bitcoin’s annual CAGR. We have a lot of ground to cover between here and there. I just REALLY wish Saylor would show proof of reserves and mitigate the fractional reserve risk.
Any truth to any of this? lol… a buddy just sent it and it made me laugh. nostr:note1tw7ycepkjgx0uqfvtlxfj63c825xhzshqjfca9qqcm5u9zseyz3qc3c5cl
Exactly … which means they’re an attack vector to bitcoin. Dude, I support EVERYTHING Saylor says, his strategy is 100% on point…it is a speculative attack on fiat financial markets and I LOVE to see it. I am simply saying that because he “never” intends to sell the vast majority of the coins he is stacking, that is literally the perfect foundation for his custodians to FRACTIONAL RESERVE the mstr bitcoins. That’s not a negotiable like “nah, they won’t do that…” that’s a 100% the custodians are absolutely wanting to do that. Show me the incentive and I’ll tell you the outcome. COIN is fractional reserve-ing MSTR’s Bitcoin. That’s putting downward pressure on spot Bitcoin’s price. The larger the entities are that get into the game, the easier it will be to fractional reserve the Bitcoin. Eventually this comes home to roost. 2 years from now? 200 years from now? Fractional reserving won’t work with a 100% scarce asset. If Saylor is a “true bitcoiner” he should be providing proof of reserves on-chain.
…well fiat down and to the right but yeah…
Why no proof of reserves? If El Salvador can do it…