Contra mundum. Running Bitcoin🟠 Nostr🟣 Lightning⚡️ PayNym: +oddking641
Kräftig @Kräftig - 1y
Going to Wendy’s next year be like…
They use it as a circle jerk to get what they want passed.
Around 16 hours. Following this recipe that just has you mix everything then let it rest overnight. After that you form the loaf and let sit another 90min before baking. I keep it pretty cold inside so everything was in the oven with the light on for the resting.
Almost #SourdoughSunday. Hopefully this weeks loaf turns out a little better. I think last weeks was underproofed. Had a good crumb but was dense af and didn’t get a good rise while baking.
If you’re up to date you’re probably fine. My electric company will let you go 3-4 months before “disconnect” warnings lol
What’s the difference between an enzyme and a hormone? I can’t hear an enzyme. #jokestr
Happy Hallmark Holiday ♥️
Wen ROI? 😅
Those born in a wealthy country,or any country, can decide how to spend their hard earned money any way they’d like. The government shouldn’t decide that for them.
The first politician that ends foreign aid has my vote for life.
What’s the difference between light and hard? I can sleep with a light on. #jokestr
Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom? Because the P is silent. #jokestr
Why can’t you keep a secret at the bank? Too many tellers. #jokestr
I farted. It tickled. My butt cheeks jiggled. #poemstr
GX_P2V is arriving right on time.
He’s baaaaack #2024
Starting my sourdough journey today. Always so exciting and satisfactory to take your food quality into your own hands.
All these people going to trust their overlords with their ETF “Bitcoin”
It’s not twelve inches, but it smells like a foot. 🥹