The beta version of the Alexandria library: Our project homepage is: Join our relay: Our Lightning wallet is:
Silberengel @Silberengel - 10h
Sounds like you're starting a company.
Silberengel @Silberengel - 11h
Yeah, kids really change the dynamic, but kids don't stay small forever, and some couples can't have kids, so it's important that Christians remember that subsidiarity is a worthy goal. The decision should be made at the lowest-practical level, and that's the home, in this situation. The whole idea, that we carve such rules into stone at a societal level, in order to keep husbands in their rightful place as the head of house, is schizophrenic. He can't be the head, if all he says is whatever someone has decided he will say. Then he's just a figurehead. He has to be free to make decisions and respond to the environment.
Silberengel @Silberengel - 12h
It was never about the cars.
I guess that's the male version of trying to code when you have your period.
Right one
We found one on Nostr.
Silberengel @Silberengel - 14h
Anyone who is having trouble with the Geyserfund links can also zap this note, and I'll split it 50/50 between the two projects. Or just tell me which one you'd rather have receive the money.
Oh, no! It should go to the respective projects on this page:
Please also remember that someone announcing grants on Nostr does not mean that all or part of those grants went to people working on Nostr projects. This is a communications protocol and everyone is free to post anything on here, even if it is meant for a wider audience. Thank you for reading. 🫂
Silberengel @Silberengel - 15h
Your regular reminder that many of the most promising, most long-running, and most popular Nostr projects are not receiving any funds, other than your zaps. Including: and Thank you, for helping us move Nostr forward. ♥️
Silberengel @Silberengel - 20h
That's common, under strict patriarchy. He's just a visitor in the home and a paycheck. Like the way ME guys often lounge around outside because the women basically throw them out of the house every day, and they don't go back until dinner. Often don't see the sort of affectionate, companionate marriages, that we are more used to, because of the elevated status of Christian women and the more temperate view of patriarchy that it brought.
I think he's missing the larger point that what wifely submission looks like, in practice, is largely up to the husband. She's supposed to be in submission to him, not to some bitter rando on the interwebs. For a lot of men, their wife is their greatest confident and the person they trust most, so removing women from public life actually hurts those men. Wives are often business partners or stewards, after all. Or she helps him get business contacts or he uses her income to support his investments or business. Some local farmers have wives with day jobs because those jobs come along with family health-care plans, for example, and they can take out loans against that income to purchase machinery, etc. If you hide all wives in the house, you take away his greatest economic asset.
Silberengel @Silberengel - 1d
That, too.
Cry harder.
A software project that isn't dangerous to someone or something powerful is just another app.
I am aware that it has been difficult. Their willingness to suffer for it makes it more valuable. It's a testament.
Almost all of the people on the Bitcoin project have not been anonymous.