Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult. Founder of Trammell Ventures / Trammell Venture Partners, Blockhenge, American Information Security Group, and Rogue Signal. #Bitcoin ∞/21M
I)ruid @I)ruid - 1y
When you abstract away and hide how things work behind easy & convenient UI, they never learn how things work.
Currently, OCEAN pool contributors have to use OCEAN'S block template because they haven't implemented that part of Stratum v.2 yet. Once they do, contributors will be able to build their own block templates.
What did I get wrong? There are other coinjoin services whose transactions don't use OP_RETURN at all and get mined just fine. You cannot say that the filter is targeted specifically at coinjoins, because it clearly isn't.
Censorship is targeted, filtering is not. They did not target Samurai specifically or even all coinjoin transactions more generally.
Not yet but they're working towards it, which will make this entire debate moot as miners will then be able to construct their own block template regardless of the pool's transaction filtering parameters.
Please! The more the merrier (: Using Stratum v.2?
See, now THIS is censorship as it is targeted at specific content, or in this case, specific actors. This is not a blanket filter based on some arbitrary metric.
Stratum v.2 fixes this. Mine with a pool that allows miners to construct their own block templates.
Censorship is targeted at specific content. Filtering by an arbitrary metric like size is not.
No, we can't... We're Humans (: LOL
Only 80 are usable for data though, as the first three bytes are the output header.
The 80 byte OP_RETURN limit is a relay standard, not a consensus rule. Nodes can set their own limit easily (-datacarriersize flag in Bitcoin Core). This means that nodes (including mining pools) are free to adjust their own relay limits on OP_RETURN size, if they want to be non-standard. tl;dr: You are free to make up your own byte limit but noone else has to "comply" with it.
Anyone that creates a valid block is free to put whatever transactions in it they want, including none. If you don't like the block templates that a pool creates, you are free to not use that pool, or find one that allows you to create your own block templates.
So their position is that the base layer of Bitcoin should be for financial transactions only and is an inappropriate place to store arbitrary data. You don't think that describing that position as "purist" (financial Bitcoin transactions only) is appropriate?
The node is in the phone + channel visibility & management.
Recap? Nah... Live data dashboard (:
There will always be Base-layer purists that are willing to leave a little money on the table for ideology. They don't have to make the most money, just be profitable.
Searched Nostr Communities? If one doesn't exist, create it (:
Got it, thanks! No idea how I missed that earlier...
Don't mention Bitcoin at all. They'll figure out zaps on their own eventually...