Séimí Mac Síomón @Séimí Mac Síomón - 1y
I really think that the Wavlake project is going to take off. It feels counter culture , but then again , there isn't really all that much culture to "counter" , so I think it would be more appropriate to say that it is generating culture . It allows for a direct connection between the artist and the audience , and I think that the "Top 40" could be gamed by zapping your own tracks (interesting fact , the Beatles used to buy all of their own records from UK recored shops so that they could bump their position in the charts, well , their manager did , to be more specific ), I think it more accurately reflects what is worth listening to . Correct me if I am wrong , but don't most of the charts these days use "Spotify plays " as their metric? If that is the case , then to borrow from Austrian Economics, there is no "opportunity cost" to clicking on a spotify link and playing a song. At least back in the day , when somebody bought an album for £10-20 , then there was an "opportunity cost" attached to that purchase ie . there were other things that they couldn't buy that day , a meal , or a ticket to the movies , or a few drinks , and so album sales therefore , back in those days , were an accurate reflection of where the value was in music. Theoretically , something could chart now , that people don't view as having any value whatsoever , they could be playing it ironically , or just listening to it to see what the hype is about etc . So yeah , Wavlake , pretty cool . #Wavlake #Choons #Bangers #Belters #Music
Naw man , that's true , and God knows we love the rush when you see the flash of a fiver or a tenner from grannies purse, but you've got to maintain composure.