Will @jb55 - 2y
With repl.it + ipad and magic keyboard you have a fully functional ide/dev environment. Coding has never been easier to get into. https://nostr.build/i/9707f259290c310ed8e81f9c18ee1e08d15fb8bf4e1e67121ac8f4febaf85e4d.jpg
nobody @nobody - 2y
How well does it do with more complex projects?
The Fishcake🐶🐾 @The Fishcake🐶🐾 - 2y
Good old C! 🐶🐾🤗💜
Its built on nix so you can have any level of complexity. I saw a lightning dev environment on repl.it which rivalled my own cln dev setup.
Javascript, python, C
Good to be back in the office https://nostr.build/i/7dd7fd20b0bb6a1949f576aa3e9938844d2eccb54833d8d2a0189fd40c218496.jpg
Shawn⚡️ @shawn - 2y
Happen to have a link to that?
Cc #[4]
jeff @jeff - 2y
What’s the beverage?
1833e - 2y
Swift is really good
If I could start fresh JS/TS would be what I’d start with. The world has moved there unfortunately for me. Maybe I’ll catch up eventually.
3bf0c - 2y
Great, another repl.it shill. That's what the world needs.
2779f - 2y
Needs more computers
jack @jack - 2y
What’s the MacBook for
They are likely drunk and will think about it no more than 3 seconds
Aaron Daniel @Aaron Daniel - 2y
Now what if you decentralized replit's bounty program with one powered by Nostr and lightning? nostr:nevent1qqsv7fvwy8mp59rs52447ngjy02wjw8znca327yqe0p898gaks9c33cpzpmhxue69uh5ummnw3ezuamfdejsygxs3jf3986ucff2jqtm75heppgxpvg8vcs2trxkjg5mx83h8m7vnupsgqqqrvusrkexfv
2d5b6 - 2y
wondering how you noticed that… i guess the — NORMAL — gave it away.