mleku @mleku - 13d
i'm quite surprised that a #rust cuck tried to criticise my hate of rust on the basis that i'm some kind of a cultist for the Von Neumann serial processor model lolwut? rust is not a first class concurrent programming language, hello? where's your atomic fifo queues and coroutines with simple syntax? yeah, because there isn't one, it was the first thing i wanted to know about Rust when i was exploring whether i could tolerate all the other shit no, not a tradeoff i want to make i model FUCKNIG CONCURRENT DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS all the time in my code, so don't even waste your time trying to sound superior by claiming i don't know about DST, because that's my bread and butter, whenever i can find someone who actually values the extra things i can provide to a project that not many devs even have a clue about
yeah, what's funny is that CPUs and GPUs have got so complex that there is actually concurrency problems and they had to build mutual exclusion and atomic message passing systems to make them work one of the reasons why i'm an AMD maxi is because they built a SAN into the Ryzen CPUs, they are actually a very simple individual unit with a concurrent savvy - as they call it "system area network" which is just a fancy name for a high speed memory bus extension, right in one chip, so i know that concurrency is an issue when you get into the 7nm range EVEN WITH the tiny scale the light speed limit gets shorter and shorter in actual distance between segments of the die because of how much more paths there is so it's quite funny i choose a concurrent savvy programming language, and run it on a CPU that is built with concurrency logic in it, using the PCI-Express bus, which is also concurrent friendly, and someone tells me i'm a Von Neumann cultist bitch peas, i am spidermonkey