antiparasitic technologist, communition engineer and sayer of pithy notes Embrace, Extend, Inflame
mleku @mleku - 6h
haha i know how to WRITE a graph query in Go using badger i'm building a complete graph algorithm for a recommendation engine in my fiat mine job what i described before is pretty much how this thing is implemented, you think i'm "doing too much work" but i can assure you that when i do it, it will get results at 2x the speed
mleku @mleku - 7h
benefit of Go is much smaller executables, and i have total control over how my database actually works down to the last bit the scaling problems won't happen to my stuff because i already built them to scale by using pipelining
so, that would be reply and reaction events you would have to scan the entire event database of a relay to do this, and it would need to create a very large graph table compiling a count on each link as a weight on the vertex between two nostr:npubs it would be a fuzzy value, also... you could probably even have the relay add the weight value to the graph table as soon as the event comes in, computing the graph you probably want to snapshot that table and then create a table of the weights that exceed some criteria for threshold, the top 100, 200, something like this i've thought about it, as you can see, and i think it would be a great thing to add to augment the relay API - so the client could then query for each npub in a set of results to get their vertex weights and set a cut-off level and not show those events, or it could be done on the relay as an extra api extending the filter with a graph weight cut-off spec of some sort the thing is that the follow/mute lists make a neat and relatively cheap mechanism of whitelisting users who are probably not spammers from a designated list of users (subscribers, presumably)... this is the purpose of the WoT whitelisting in #realy this other stuff would be an extended API and clients would be able to also interact with that by an extended filter request that includes a threshold, it would be better to do it on the relay than to waste all that bandwidth and processing on a slow shitty client
mleku @mleku - 8h
yeah, i've thought about this... even have a basic spider framework created for realy but i removed it... it was just gathering current versions of all the whitelisted users' profile/follow/mute lists (which is 11000+ users on my relay just from my follow list, it goes two levels deep to implement a "friends and guests" access model i would quite like to have a spider aggregating at least my direct friends notes, i should write a spider, separate to the relay
mleku @mleku - 10h
ohh, i didn't read your question documentaries one is in the process of being made by the space weather guy, Ben Davidson - but if you go to there is a dozen good, mostly reasonably short ones, and one or two long ones i watch the daily show every day, one of my favourite times of day, usually just about when i finish my morning shift at the fiat mine, and always some new paper, about this subject
i think it just means it's best to have more intelligence in the relays so they are sharing data of interest to their subscribers, and that the main onboarding obstacle should be about how you monetize that access, because otherwise it's spam and trouble, like what we see happening for some time now with primal's general aggregation the pub/sub model is much easier to aggregate upstream than a simple repository model... but the semantics of it is complicated due to the merging of query and subscribe in one messy mass under "REQ"
mleku @mleku - 11h
nostr sorta can have this problem too, thanks to users configuring dozens of relays all of them sending the virtually same content
He doesn't make mistakes when he designs systems so there's that also
mleku @mleku - 15h
also, holographic is the word for this virtual reality and it's a moot point if its laws are rigid and universal there is some idiots with fancy degrees that have tried to say over the years that "bla bla law breaks down in situation X" without any context of how bla bla law acts on the contents of what is in siuation X like how lightspeed is slower in water, or how time flows slower deeper into the earth and faster as you go outwards there is only a few laws, but only a few laws and conditions that modulate their expression are everywhere to see
"individual to each observer" that being the singular earth, a very large body of matter of astounding size that people can think it's flat due to how flat the surface appears to us puny humans no, there is such a thing as a universe outside of your imagination it goes on regardless of your observation and it acts from laws that exist regardless of your opinion these laws scale from the micro to the intergalactic and beyond, and the only way in which they don't apply mostly is on the nanoscale where the forces are so weak compared to the masses that sometimes other forces take over, like magnetism or electrostatics i mean, gravity's effect is way reduced by the friction and pressure of water, just for one example of ways that the macro scale laws change on other scales and in other conditions the laws don't change, but the medium changes their effect anyway, just keep doing your research, learning is always good
regarding the energy outputs of the sun you aren't an engineer you don't have models in your mind for how this exactly plays out, it's very complex "sun doesn't matter" is adjacent to "humans cause it all" and the solipsistic "flat earth"
if it's a statue, then fine
yes, the sun is the driver of everything, and the earth's magnetic field limits that effect except when the galactic current sheet flips to a new angle and everything goes awol in teh process and the sun is the driver not by just heat, that is one spectra, there is magnetic, radio, visible, gamma, x, and cosmic rays, as well as plasma and non-energised matter the galaxy is the driver of the sun second to that there is a number of close stars that also have effects, when they have a micronova and their axis points in our direction it can literally destroy all life, but it's extremely unlikely that it will happen, the distances and angle precision required are very very high
mleku @mleku - 16h
there's some word for this thing where you look for anthropomorphic or other resemblances to things on large scales, i don't buy it... the energy cost of an animal body is cubic to the height, so there is a certain point at which you can say "nope, that would be more energy than the sun shines on that whole continent in a day, can't be an animal that needs that much"
according to unchartedx they are at least as precise as our best measuring devices, implying they may be more precise but we literally cannot measure better yet
Swift, that is, the author of the book was basing it on old stories, but likely he was prompted to write it by someone, you know what i mean
also, i'm not disagreeing... the consistency of the stories and the horror of those times is pretty clear but i also don't think that the pyramids and sphinx were built by nephilim aka annunaki... they were from the 2/3rds who were victorious and threw out the dragon and his armies they eventually abandoned their new capital on the Nile and most of what is mainstream history/archaeology about egypt is the dynasties who were the descendents of the nephilim, and this lineage continues today, and cutting off that thread is what is coming, and is making use of the geomagnetic disaster that is coming down the pipe as the means to ensure every last one of them is killed, and all the legit UAPs, not the ones created by some of the remnant of the more powerful nephilim living in caves and under the sea, have been ensuring that they don't figure out a way to get off the planet and if they do, they are stopped and that knowledge taken from them
mleku @mleku - 17h
yes the child sacrifice was for the blood and organs but human sacrifice was to feed the giants
uncommon tho, and yeah there is other references too in fiction, likely inspired by those old stories, like Gulliver and i didn't even know this but there was a spacecraft-city in that story called Laputa
so is remote viewing and HAARP they are all part of the same meme complex if you follow the logic of it protip: psychic ability is not a thing God sends a message to His messengers. The End.