Derek Ross @Derek Ross - 10mo
Do you still use Global / Universe feeds?
nobody @nobody - 10mo
No. But I need to go diving again. Churn has reduced my feed to a handful of voices. Especially since I can’t be on here as much as I used to. I miss the intros.
node @node - 10mo
Yes. Only with a select few relays
This is the way. And following #reddit 😂
All pale in comparison to following the lovely nostr:npub12z8jsett3k6rv9fa2guau5p540qr2xuvjzkr8e432mglafjt99sqkw9zmx though. She got my ol’ lady’s nod too so that’s something. 🥰🤣
Get your air drop of PCC (Purple Cat Coin) by clicking this completely innocent looking link:
Only the best for my frens.
I feel that. I haven't used Global much over the past year, but I find myself using it more so recently because it's fairly inactive.
Yeah, that's about it for me too, when I go looking for new users.
I'd like to use that feed more 🥹
We've lost a fair amount of decently active Nostriches.
Global is a cesspool, sadly, unless your client allows you to configure it for specific relays.
24c78 - 10mo
I picked up a bunch of new follows by checking out the reposts of my current follow list.
I haven't done this in such a long time. Does anyone even use I wonder?
I haven't done this in such a long time. Does anyone even use I wonder?
It was too good to resist.
I knew it was coming.
Savil @Savil - 10mo
I forgot I could "log in" with other npubs to see nostr through others' perspective. Dope low key feature.
I used to do that but the novelty wore off and I haven't done that in quite a while. I should do that again. It's nice to get another perspective.
crimsonleaf363 @crimsonleaf363 - 10mo
I don't use them because I rarely see something that I want to engage with. The apps I use don't push me toward them either.