Friendly Neighbourhood Dark Tetrad Psychopath™ 🤭
node @node - 4h
1 fbi director = 1 gangster
Taken part 2: the crakhead alchemist In a theatre near you soon ™
Both? 😂
100% 🤭
Like the mob. Doesn’t matter if you remove the head. Another similar one “grows” back
node @node - 5h
Real cheap
Aren’t the people on that list doing just that though?
Yes! 1.4 billi was stolen
😂 Wait…how much eth was stolen in the bybit hack?
Not fully sure at this point 🤣🤣🤣
I remember seeing news that they were on someone’s desk ready to be reviewed. Why does it need to be reviewed? So they can redact the whole thing 🙄
I think someone else on here told me about stremio before. I’ll take a look
Sound cloud rap 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yes. The last “message”. Remakes and based on books/comics. Not much original left.
This is pretty cool. I’ll try to find it on torrents
Please face wall is crazy
To the mooooooon 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀