Derek Ross @Derek Ross - 10mo
Want to be strong and masculine? Be polite and kind to women.
As a strong man, I can take insults from a woman.
Have you considered seeking help?
Absolutely. I wonder if they can imagine how they'd feel if someone talked like that to their grandmother, mother, sister, wife, or daughter? Maybe they have no loving women in their lives. It shows.
Work hard.
Sure. At some point you just remove yourself from the situation.
Ivan @Ivan - 10mo
Did we lose more lady users this week?
I like good times. 🤙🏻🤙🏻
Yes but it's not just that. It's a trend that's been going on for a long while.
Wow that sucks can you tag the note that made it happen. Sad this keeps happening.
24c78 - 10mo
In my time here I've noticed that when men talk shit and get called out for it, they roll with it and either apologize or double down. When the same happens to women, they can't handle it and they tuck and run.
Maybe don't talk shit and be kind?
You missed my point but thats oK
I chose not to acknowledge your sexist comment and chose to offer a better solution.
What, that women do not also talk shit at times?
I have never seen that. Normally is a toxic asshole male that they need to defend themselves against.
I've seen it and I've been here about as long as you. One lady called the men disagreeing with noshole "Limped dicked men who wanted to have a sausage party", whatever the hell that is. Men argue differently than women. When they can't win by logic they will burst into tears, etc. And there is no way there can be any social interaction without heated debate. IMHO the ladies of nostr need thicker skins and I don't see it as necessarily and male/female issue. Hell, half the time I have no idea which gender I am interacting with here anyway and should feel free to express my opinion as I like without having to walk on eggshells at the risk of offending someone.
That probably can and does happen. However, that doesn't seem to reflect the conversation I followed from yesterday. All I saw was men acting like men that I wouldn't ever want around any of the women in my life. I was raised differently. In my house, my father taught me to defend and respect women. I try to have debates without being mean. I just didn't see any of that yesterday.
Zach⚡️ @zforce - 10mo
Decency has nothing to do with gender I don’t understand how the interaction from yesterday became a gender issue Treat people as individuals
I agree with you about defending women, however most of the women I have contact with are quite capable of defending themselves. Anyway, not sure why you called my comment "sexist" as that is hardly me. But this is an example of the different way men and women discuss or argue. We settled this. A woman might have runned oft crying misogyny.
Yea I been following. Im sad to see it continuing. I got pay more attention and call it out don't really know what else can be done these people can spin up new accounts so easily. Clearly are losers to begin with so they have unlimited time to keep harrasing.
You may treat people the same and that's commendable, but many here do not.
Absolutely. Trolls have always existed. Mute, ignore, and move on. Zap the positivity.
Anything is better than nothing.
Laeserin @Laeserin - 10mo
We have to educate women to mute, tho. They often feel obligated to "be nice and friendly" and muting seems mean. All of the "free speech" and "anti-censorship" rhetoric on here wears down their sense of self-preservation. They feel obliged to let anyone say anything.
mleku @mleku - 10mo
it's not sexist to say that women are more liable to tolerate bullshit and end up in a bad situation because they don't want to accept the red flags and the danger signal because other reasons (usually conditioning) i think that a social norm about women being trained in self defense both mental and physical would be a very important part of a corruption-resistant society - and it's really just a matter of a few good women stepping up and saying it to their peers enough... sorry, not sorry, but women are more likely to seek to conform to the expectations they are hearing, so don't be so tame and shy... be nice but tell the girls to punch them back
It's also often the case that our male frens don't even see the stuff we're getting upset about because they've already muted the person we're arguing with. Ironic. 😂