56d5d - 2y
* Editor of choice is VSCode, to many valuable extensions. * Extensions - ESLint, Docker Dev Containers, Git Blame and Git Graph. * Must have dev tools are docker engine/docker desktop and postman. I also use DBeaver for DB connections and viewing stuff, mocking data etc. I love docker-compose and the ability to orchestrate an environment locally. * For node services locally I use Polar exclusivelly and some docker compose files. This with the docker extension in VSCode or Docker Desktop I can see state of containers and view logs etc. Also same from polar. * To move my environment from dev -> prod = #reckless #LFG
Shawn⚡️ @shawn - 2y
Thank you for this. Super helpful. As far as #reckless ship on Fridays, is this a GitHub or other CI pipeline to your prod env, or something else?
Yep, we use GitHub pipelines to deploy between environment.