Say you did that. If a third person comes along and goes to PotatoBTC's page, they will not be able to see any of Oshtor's comments on any of Potato's posts. Nor will they see the contents of anything Oshtor quote reposted from Potato, like the screenshot above. Naturally, you and I will never see anything of each other until you lift the block. But the interesting thing is that no one else can see anything we said to each other. They'd only see one side or the other, depending on who they're looking at. If I posted a lie and you corrected me, someone would either only see the lie or the correction, but not both together. And vice versa if you posted the truth and I posted a lie in response. The propagandized population is more likely to be the blocking population. The truth seekers will allow dissenting opinions to stand the test of time and not block people as much. Followers on either side will only see the views of their own side, never the dissenting view.
mleku @mleku - 1y
disagreeing with someone isn't the only reason to block them stupid people who a lot of people follow are most of my block list the idea that the client should not filter is like the bully saying to the kid in the library that they are not allowed to be in the library instead of out on the playground being beaten up by him uh, no, that's called freedom of association this "no filters" meme is one of the worst things out of the reddit sphere it's one thing censor other people's access to information and it's quite another to not allow someone to be selective and DISCRIMINATE what they want to see nothing to do with being a snowflake, i don't want to waste my time on stupid people, or people who seem to think it's funny saying dumbshit of any kind doesn't really matter what
I agree, but my blocking you does affect what everyone else sees on bluesky. If they view my profile, they won't see any of your interactions with me and vice versa. That's a step further than simple freedom of association. It's the imposition of your boundary on others.
bluesky is obviously a commie project then
Well yeah. It's a propagandist's wet dream.
I agree. It naturally forms echo chambers via the elimination of dissent.
Oshtor @Oshtor - 1y
That's really dangerous if you ask me
True and it's even worst than your avarage social media because the whole point of bluesky is to make this echo chambers it seems