Derek Ross @Derek Ross - 2y
#grownostr My son's cat is about 6 years old. The last 3 years she's peed on his bed several times a week. We've tried everything and gotten zero results. This past week she peed on my daughter's bed. My son loves this cat like it's his baby... I do not want to get rid of her, however we can't have this continue and start washing other bed sheets several times a week. He is absolutely devastated. I feel beyond horrible. It's time though. It was time 2 years ago. Our vet knows someone that will turn her into an outdoor cat. That's better than the alternative. 😟 I'm sorry #catstr we tried. We really did.
3c906 - 2y
nostrnaut @nostrnaut - 2y
did all you could,mate your son will at some point appreciate that the cat is going to another loving home 🏡 🫂
5123a - 2y
You are a better person than the majority of the extended order. Don’t beat yourself Bro. You tried really hard. Most of us would have quit way earlier in the game. 🫂
It's cleaned every day. We added a second litter box in his room. We tried anxiety medicine. You name it, we did it.
pukka @jared - 2y
Sometimes tough love is needed. Someday you’ll tell him a story about this and it will make him laugh.
Keysa - Simplest Bitcoin Edu @SimplestBitcoinBook - 2y
So sorry to hear. No idea if this will work, but if it is some sort of anxiety I have seen pure CBD oil work miracles in a cat
The vet said they don't believe she has any health issues. We've taken her several times over the last couple of years.
My son and my wife and the real troopers here, washing his sheets 3 times a week.
Why isn’t Jackson Galaxy the cat guy on here? I wonder what he would say about this.
We've tried different litter and multiple litter boxes and cleaned them every day.
We thought it was anxiety because she does it when he's not around. The vet recommended anxiety meds and we tried them for the last year with no changes. 😭
Tried multiple kinds of litter. It's not something I want to do. It's heartbreaking.
B.O.P @B.O.P - 2y
Had a cat like this growing up. Ended up having bladder cancer that went undiagnosed.
We also have another cat and a 85 pound chocolate lab 🫂
That could be it. The vet said she's fine e eye time we take her in, but as you said it could be undiagnosed 😭🫂
I don't think he'll laugh, but he'll understand. I'm sure he doesn't like his room often smelling like cat pee and laundry detergent. He's been getting more frustrated lately.
I love animals. A lot. Both cats and dogs. So this is hard for me too. I just realize that we can't keep doing this.
I thought that too. It all started when we went on vacation for a week and had my cousin house sit and watch our cats and dog. Ever since then whenever we leave or he leaves, there's a good chance she'll do it.
Kamo Weasel ⭐⭐⭐ @Kamo Weasel ⭐⭐⭐ - 2y
Try at least to have another family adopt her. It would be hard for the cat to go back to the street 😿
She'll live on a farm. No roads close by.
Laser ⚡☀️ @broadmode - 2y
1. Litter robot. It cleans every use so they never have to step in dirty litter. 2. Carnivore diet. Store bought cat food obliterates cat's organs (especially kidneys). Peeing on the bed is a cry for help.
(Good luck and God bless)
Laser ⚡☀️ @broadmode - 1y
One big difference: Small cats are adapted for small game, so high protein low fat. Cats do better on lean game. Humans are fat scavengers, #lipovores, who also use natural sugars like honey and fruit to enhance physicality and fertility. The point being, humans need alot more saturated fat than cats, who will get diahrea in a heartbeat if you provide too much fat.
Sardines do wonders for eyes and coats, too.