nostr:npub1xtscya34g58tk0z605fvr788k263gsu6cy9x0mhnm87echrgufzsevkk5s nostr:npub1acg6thl5psv62405rljzkj8spesceyfz2c32udakc2ak0dmvfeyse9p35c nostr:npub1gm7tuvr9atc6u7q3gevjfeyfyvmrlul4y67k7u7hcxztz67ceexs078rf6
The problem:
NSFW content is posted without a NSFW hashtag
The current solution:
Report the content as "nudity"
The current problem:
What is nudity? Is soft-core porn nudity? What if I want to search for nudity, or only soft-core porn? If I'm someone who is seeking out nudity, the current UX is not encouraging me to report the posts I see as nudity, because I don't care about hiding it.
The solution:
Replace "reporting" with "labeling," encouraging both people who don't want to see and people who are after certain content to label content they find as such. Remove the requirement to use one of five words to allow filtering for exactly what clients and relays (don't) want.
A different problem:
Notes are unorganized, hashtags exist but are infrequently used.
Oh, uh... #nips #nostr - maybe #1984 #sfw ? I'm not sure what hashtags I should include. Maybe I should add unrelated yet popular hashtags to try and attract people's attention, there's nothing stopping me.
The solution:
Allow labeling others posts, creating a community-organized swath of information. This method has shown its mettle in multiple image-hosts, even ones dedicated to AI images! Hopefully with this implemented, people will stop complaining about seeing content they don't care about, because they can do something about it.
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