cdb00 - 2y
A quick #introduction I’m Rob, formerly of #scotland 🏴 now living in #australia.🇦🇺 I love listening to #music, particularly #idm and #jazz and am a #patient #gamer who loves #ImmersiveSimulation, enjoyed the new Monkey Island game and will definitely play Death Stranding one of these days. I play #piano and #bassguitar, build #software for money and keep #chickens and a #rabbit. Recently I’ve been learning #gàidhlig and #français on Duolingo and started playing #chess.
phil @phil - 2y
Nice to meet another Aussie on here, there are a few of us around! Which part of Australia are you living in? I’m in Adelaide.
Hey Phil! Thanks for the welcome. I’m just outside #sydney. Close enough commute when I need to but much closer nature!
chef4₿rains @chef4brains - 2y
Perth here Rob, welcome to #nostr ! If you search #AUStriches you will find more 🇦🇺.
88e93 - 2y
oy Rob! nice to meet you here. I play violin, guitar, keys, and some other stuff. love to play chess... I'm on ( one or the other. if you fancy a game sometime. what kind of code do you write? i've got a project that i'm working on building a team for at the moment, called "willtrade." it's aim? become a global barter and trade platform, enabling people at the community level to regain their cohesiveness, and avoid the upcoming CBDC boondoggle/fiasco... I'd love nothing more than it to weaken the globalist cabal to the point where people realize they CAN indeed get along, and stop using money. Got a dedi running in iceland already waiting for the thing to get dropped in.. cheers
Hey! Thanks for the reply! I’ll def take you up on a game of chess. I was looking at Jester today, which is chess via nostr. Interesting idea, but no one seemed to be playing. Check it out: Most of my code is in Ruby or Typescript as I tend to build web apps. Share your app when it’s ready, I’d love to take a look!
I'll look into that. thank you. . As far as the app being ready, I need people to help bring it to life.. I can't code my way out of a wet paper bag, but I'm a pretty decent sysadmin. :D So unless you or others help, there will be no app. :) Ask me anything, I've got some notes typed up about it, one guy in Italy interested in helping code, and looking for more hands on deck to assist him. Ruby would be useful..