nobody @nobody - 8mo
Just updated to iOS 18.1 Beta 2. #apple #ios
mleku @mleku - 8mo
my condolences
I've enjoyed most of the updates thus far.
They're rolling out several of the Apple Intelligence features for testing. I usually participate heavily in feedback and bug submissions.
Yeah, has been for a couple of Betas. I've only gotten to test it with two other T-Mobile users, and one AT&T. From what I understand, those are the vendors who have rolled out their end.
i once had a mac... i can concur that in most cases it was improvements usually if they disabled a favourite extension it was because it had become a standard feature
Yes. macOS is my favorite desktop OS. It strikes a really happy balance between easy, reliable, and still giving me access under the hood. Very different from "i" devices.
i prefer paning interfaces, so the antiquated, non-unix style floating Lisa windows annoy the hell out of me... and i like the windows gesture paning scheme... but nobody has really got it right, and i won't run windows, because then i have to put up with DOS style shells and filesystems and command syntax and its stupid slash options, which is legacy from CPM that QDOS the parent of MSDOS was designed with, back in the ... late 60s??? i've been a gnome user since KDE went to version 2 and turned crappy, and i hate GTK and i hate Gnome but it's less bad
I'm firmly of the opinion that we won't see nice GUIs until the next generation, which forks out of the mobile interface designs
I run rectangle on macOS, which gives me tiling similar to i3. I hate arranging windows with a mouse. I use powershell on Windows, which gets me 90% of the way to a sane terminal, but I’m not disagreeing - both macOS and Linux have nicer shells. Quit throwing shade at God’s WM. Plasma is good for you.
no, i prefer headerbars and gtk widgets in general, they are just nicer, less windows, more mac, even...