poe😱 @poe😱 - 21h
node @node - 21h
2 different nodes?
poe😱 @poe😱 - 20h
Currently running am archival Core and LND node and syncing a pruned Knots node. My thought is. I keep my existing set up in play, and then try and get Datum running with the Knots node and then connect my three bitaxes to my own block templates from my own mempool... And never find a solo block 😂 It's mainly just more fucking around and finding out what I'm even doing.
node @node - 20h
So your own solo pool for the bitaxes? Interesting
Trust me. I'm in control here.
Actual footage of poe building the second node 😂
When I find out there's no CEO and my two nodes are passive aggressively conflicting in the background https://media4.giphy.com/media/lNQ2RRsEfJqbjg1i0I/200w.webp?cid=4ea4f8d5nz7vbk1pxa5e528x49w8mxnfvoxz31rsyj4k1fz1&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.webp&ct=g
He’s going deeper
Me just causing more problems https://media2.giphy.com/media/RDnuqiyvvUjRe/200w.webp?cid=4ea4f8d51d9yb8g50zqsufpbg55zx2f5n7a7oymm1pfyyl4n&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.webp&ct=g
Actually needed this. Now the flooding is
That’s gonna be a problem
☝️ same right now. I have mine on my shop desk at work pointed at public-pool. I pointed one at Ocean for a week then switched back... But if I can figure this out it would be cool. If it's over my head I'll double back in the future once things get more user friendly/I get more competent at FAFO
That’s good advice. Thanks Ryan! I don’t want that AI water 😂
How do you run it locally? What does it point to? You created a pool?
This is why I'm trying to figure out how to construct my own templates... Because I am retarded 😂
🫡 similar spot and striving for the same eventually. It's all about pushing myself out of my comfort zone and learning. Each thing a building block. And patience. Sometimes I'm simply not ready for some things.
Ah there’s a public pool app. Now I get it. And you do it on another node for privacy I imagine?