a really bizarre thing i have noticed with #mochi the #catstr is that he gets in these dark moods with me sometimes, like he's mad at me - in this case because i closed the shutter on a window he was spying on my landlord's family working on the little garden they made next to my cottage, and after it, he's all dark and grumpy with me
but the weirdest thing is that when he's grumpy, the way he looks at me, it's like, he's looking straight in my eyes, because his reflectors are shining straight back at me
they say that cats only look into the eyes of enemies, and when they stare like this they are pissed off
haha... well, sorry mochi, i can't have you making a spectacle of watching my landlord who i am not sure i have permission to keep you in here lol
anyhow, he'll get over it, i'm sure
it's just funny, because this is the second time he has had the glowing eyes at me and it's uncanny, normally i never see his glowing eyes unless i shine a light at him and stuff... but even then, i guess he was mad at me because he was hiding under a bed or whatever
when you can see a cat's reflectors, it means kitty is grumpy, just sayin
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