⚡tephen @⚡tephen - 1y
Hmm $24 left from a paycheck I got this morning. Life is going good
A subscription I didn't know I had takes $9.99 El oh El. I give up. nostr:nevent1qqs96nu4kdlty3xv824mfkse9cp6xa5wm3tawy069krw6wuetw9ufhspr9mhxue69uhhqctzd3hkvdm69ehx7um5wgcjucm0d5pzp7peldn3gkv2wgeap8dag2hc9nyhs8g04ft5wnccgxhepdwfxzfeqvzqqqqqqynk402m
SAT B01 @SAT B01 - 1y
$14.01 left for sats. Not bad.
Nah. Gas. And food. 😂😄😂
Oh yeah I dropped everything this morning. Down to a server for $10/m Just can't keep living like this. Sick of being broke all the damn time.
What a cuntry amirite 😂😡