TKay @TKay - 14h
GA #CoffeeChain
@ - 20h
Cxffeeblack. So dope isn't it? #coffeechain
Romeo @Romeo - 21h
Gm, coffee is brewing #nostr #coffeechain
aco @aco - 2d
gm nostr 🌞☕️ it’s a great day. go out and share it with someone special! #plebchain #coffeechain #nostr — my daughter and her grandpa making memories together. this is what life is all about. —
Romeo @Romeo - 2d
Gm #nostr #coffeechain
The: Daniel⚡️ @The: Daniel⚡️ - 3d
This is so good you guys ☕️🤩 #coffeechain nostr:npub1cxtzr09d9jw4qfscm7hjtf47pl0z80tnpegc38wgsvmkeywv5mzqe2d5cj
aco @aco - 3d
gm and pura vida #nostr today is going to be a great day. make it count. 🫂 #photography #coffeechain
aco @aco - 4d
gm nostr 🌞☕️ it’s a great day. go out and share it with someone special! #plebchain #coffeechain #nostr
Tim @Tim - 4d
Good morning. Rise and shine, it's #coffee time. #coffeechain
Romeo @Romeo - 4d
Gm #nostr #coffeechain #bitcoin
The: Daniel⚡️ @The: Daniel⚡️ - 5d
“Bitcoin was about to find its first real use case: buying drugs.” —Cullen Hoback #coffeechain nostr:npub1cxtzr09d9jw4qfscm7hjtf47pl0z80tnpegc38wgsvmkeywv5mzqe2d5cj ⚡️☕️
TKay @TKay - 6d
Modbar Espresso machines are cool. #Coffeechain
Tim @Tim - 6d
GM #coffee is on. #coffeechain
mleku the disregarded @mleku - 6d
GM #coffeechain #cobbeechain
The: Daniel⚡️ @The: Daniel⚡️ - 7d
2-3. Either Aeropress or Chemex at home, and usually one on the go if I’m going out into the world. I used to drink much more until I realized I would get withdrawal headaches on the weekend, so I did a full caffeine detox for a year and haven’t had a problem with it since then. #coffeechain
Tim @Tim - 7d
GM ☕️ #coffeechain
It is one of the occupational hazards of life. I have managed to fuck up my coffee in ways I didn’t even think possible. #coffeechain
Brunswick @Brunswick - 8d
GM #coffeechain
aco @aco - 8d
gm nostr 🌞☕️ it’s a great day. go out and share it with someone special! #plebchain #coffeechain
aco @aco - 9d
gm nostr 🌞☕️ it’s a great day. go out and share it with someone special! #plebchain #coffeechain #nostr