1GLENCo @1GLENCo - 9h
March 27th is Bitcoin World Theatre Day #Bitcoin #BitcoinDayOfTheYear #WorldTheatreDay #WorldTheaterDay #BitcoinWorldTheaterDay #BitcoinWorldTheaterDay
Joshy 🇨🇦 @Joshy 🇨🇦 - 13h
Stacking towers like I stack ₿..... DCA and chunks at a time .... The crane helps tho!! #grownostr #Bitcoin #Zap #cranelife #Nostr #₿ #Nostriches #BTC #Plebs #Lightning
The: Daniel ⚡️ @daniel - 2d
Long before #zaps, bitcoiners used to send tips on-chain. One of the first mentions of #bitcoin on mainstream television was an Al Jazeera English news program in 2011. There are still whole coins from this era that were never claimed, and at this point, it’s safe to say they never will be. https://m.primal.net/PrgV.png nostr:note1200l38ysndxs832em3sxhhp39ew8fjsy9gvf9llytzlt534jef7qrt72am
TKay @TKay - 3d
#bitcoin about to moon?
1GLENCo @1GLENCo - 3d
March 24th is Bitcoin National Cheesesteak Day #Bitcoin #BitcoinDayOfTheYear #NationalCheesesteakDay #BitcoinNationalCheesesteakDay
1GLENCo @1GLENCo - 4d
March 24th is Bitcoin National Chip and Dip Day #Bitcoin #BitcoinDayOfTheYear #NationalCheesesteakDay #BitcoinNationalCheesesteakDay
mwaters @mwaters - 4d
I #purplepilled and #orangepilled my friend nostr:nprofile1qqsrx8llquu0dfz3tzn5cpzyem65eqayankavy8hhy3rfe0qacq4qkspzemhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuurjd9kkzmpwdejhgqgcwaen5te0xycrgt3jxg6juv3nxuhrjde6xucrqvqpr3mhxue69uhkummnw3ezucm0d9hxvatwvshxzurs9ujnyvqe89q8t this morning. He had 3D printed me a seed punch jig tool without know what it was. So I explained #Bitcoin , sound money , seed words and #NOSTR. Got him setup on #primal and paid for the jig with lightning. If you would like to see guitars being handmade then give him a follow and encouragement to post.
makeasnek @makeasnek - 4d
If anybody here is passionate about free speech and wants to donate to a ruthlessly non-partisan organization doing incredible work on it, check out FIRE. And yes, they take Bitcoin. #freespeech #bitcoin #nonprofit https://www.thefire.org/donate/more-ways-to-donate
calvadev⚡️ @calvadev⚡️ - 5d
#Bitcoin is money; use it as such. nostr:nevent1qqsvu880flm3272rgsdr00zjgkd32s7uvwk7xjnqy97nc322cr8w2jspz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7q3q53xmex42x4chdf757hp3q6zxagykkek7pdgwuwd074964dkyha9sxpqqqqqqzzesusg
Jay @Jay - 5d
BULLISH MUG FROM nostr:nprofile1qqs2zqnq524z7zfdsh3vpwpwjh4vt7xxp6sec68y3xr3ndvve23ru0spzemhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumn0wd68ytnzv9hxgqgkwaehxw309aex2mrp0yh8qunfd4skctnwv46qzrthwden5te0dehhxtnvdakq4nr825 × nostr:nprofile1qqsyv47lazt9h6ycp2fsw270khje5egjgsrdkrupjg27u796g7f5k0spzemhxue69uhk2er9dchxummnw3ezumrpdejz7qgwwaehxw309ahx7uewd3hkctcprdmhxue69uhkummnw3ez6vfwde3x7tnpdenkzmnf9e3k75xqss4 RUN YOUR OWN NODE. OWN YOUR OWN SATS. https://i.nostr.build/UntukKwta3bq1M9w.jpg #bitcoin #coffeechain
mleku @mleku - 6d
i'm not buying into this goldbug "omg geomagnetic disaster #bitcoin ded" narrative entanglement networks already can be made, and i believe they are fast enough to enable a bitcoin network and they have basically zero latency we got 10-25 years to nail this down guys, forget the blokscreech sattelites how about bitcoin entanglement? huh? lfg
1GLENCo @1GLENCo - 7d
March 21st is Bitcoin National Crunchy Taco Day #Bitcoin #BitcoinDayOfTheYear #NationalCrunchyTacoDay #BitcoinNationalCrunchyTacoDay
Evan @Evan - 7d
Etherium's collapse is low-key one of the most bullish things for #bitcoin fundamentals this cycle. #econstr
Sync @Sync - 7d
Just saying but my #Nostr #Bitcoin Guitar shop is slowly becoming a thing 🏴☠️🎸 New inventory Uploaded 🔥 https://sync.cypher.space/shop https://i.nostr.build/eKpYn8nQyE5ceBpJ.png https://i.nostr.build/Jv4T04wpA8zcZscv.png
The: Daniel ⚡️ @daniel - 7d
BRB, vibecoding a #bitcoin-themed Pac-Man game. Thanks nostr:npub1spen4ghxdst86ftsjruqgkgzzqz202fdk4uyctx9uey3ry84s0jssmvw88! 🕹️🙌
Filou @Filou - 7d
tbh, it looks like #Bitcoin is currently more closely tracking 2022 than any of the other previous four years. 65% drop from the yearly open puts price back in the $32k range. 😱 Not a prediction, just an observation. 🤷♀️
mleku @mleku - 8d
yeah, #bitcoin only we gotta start building enclaves dammit
Garth @garth - 8d
How it feels to short #bitcoin right now?
1GLENCo @1GLENCo - 9d
March 19th is Bitcoin National Chocolate Caramel Day #Bitcoin #BitcoinDayOfTheYear #NationalChocolateCaramelDay #BitcoinNationalChocolateCaramelDay
March 18th is Bitcoin National Sloppy Joe Day #Bitcoin #BitcoinDayOfTheYear #NationalSloppyJoeDay #BitcoinNationalSloppyJoeDay