Let's change the world with #bitcoin. Working on BTCPay Server integrations for e-commerce solutions. Mostly PHP and JS.
ndeet @ndeet - 9mo
Works great for getting started with LN without having to worry about channels and liquidity. It is custodial though so don't keep too much corn on it. After getting familar with LN (and in a low spam and low fee environment) next step would be non custodial wallets like breez or phoenix.
ndeet @ndeet - 10mo
Afaik, 1 day is 200 CZK (about 9 EUR), 10 days 270 CZK (about 11 EUR). Not a bad deal no? Did it last year, pretty easy online booking. https://www.adac.de/reise-freizeit/maut-vignette/tschechien/#vignette https://edalnice.cz/de/index.html#/validation
true, did not see you at Bitcoin meets Burgenland last Friday 👀
> You can NEVER be certain of unintended consequences. EVER. (Ie taproot/segwit having the effects they currently do) But you can do everything possible to reduce the risk and chance of something bad happening. Current issues of segwit were actually brought up but underestimated or ignored. > There's literally a 100% chance something you do today has an unintended consequence on your life/plan for the day/ loved one etc. If you want 0 unintended consequences stay the fuck inside your little bubble. Can't compare personal life choices with updating plane software mid flight or Bitcoin as a >1 trillion monetary network. You will think/prepare/implement years or in case of Bitcoin maybe even decades before you roll out a new feature. > CHANGE is consequential to improving bitcoin. Every possible scenario can never be gamed out, if they could one would have infinite knowledge of the future, which we know none of us possess. The future is uncertain, we must asses the change we DO make with the highest risk/reward trade offs that we can muster. Highest risk / reward is a good gamble maybe but not something that we should do with Bitcoin. To ensure it survives thousands of years we should certainly have a risk minimized approach. > Bitcoin just IS and that is enough, if you can't adapt to what it is, instead of what you think it should be, then it is you that has a problem with adjusting your worldview. You can pick your statement 1:1 for the opposite argument. Don't force your view of needing to upgrade to allow better scripting and fancy stuff onto Bitcoin ;) > Don't force your view on the world, enjoy the view knowing your viewing is enough to adapt to the coming change. I don't force anything on anybody, I'm stating my opinion on the matter. If you can't stand it then mute me and read somewhere else - and don't waste my time any longer.
Push for great script restoration where almost anybody gets their preferredbop code for their pet projects. Like before I don't get my toy let's team up with others that also want toys. Seems they see Bitcoin more like an app than a monetary system holding life savings of millions of people. Core not fixing exploits and actively shutting down pr's that do. Core being fine with arbitary data causing fee spikes and possible attack vectors. Push for op_cat by degenerate ordinal scammers, no opposition/concerns by most. Did I forget something? We have one shot at it and we can't risk it for nice to have features. Small, low risk incremental steps is the only way I see. Do nothing is the default if a feature is too broad and difficult to reason about.
Not on ossify camp but Saylor has a point. We need to treat Bitcoin like updating a plane mid flight or a running nuclear power plant software. We need to be 100% sure there are no unintended sideffects. It will be harder and harder to change Bitcoin and that's the way it should be and we knew it years ago. Devs/scientists naturally want to have more features to built great stuff but it can't be that we risk to destroy or impair Bitcoin. On the other hand I want Bitcoin to scale and as many people as possible need to be able to self custody Bitcoin (at least at layer 2). But as said, there is no way we risk another bug that gets exploited slipping in. It's hard to accept but we can't risk the whole network.
I love this place and community. 🧡🤣
I did not say that I would not cry if it goes wrong 🤣
KYC ecash, lmao.
But to my defense, I don't do any leverage trading and if things go wrong, I won't be rekt either.
Boy, if you would know how bad things really are 🤣
Whats going on duckduckgo and quant both broken atm... did not know they are related 🤔
Where ends bullishness and where starts irresponsible recklessness? I have no idea but will find out. GM
LFG one more time! nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzqs8v7kd4vqycz04ycvypkxwe65jlwmdly5d95qufkjl2ylp6dwv0qythwumn8ghj7um9v9exx6pwdehhxtn5dajxz7f0qythwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnwdaehgu3wvfskuep0qqsyyy025974udgz3k57nrara52srk5e7mns8fqapftcqh9x6k4gqzcd0dqkc
GM, stay humble.
Looks like the Iranian presidents helicopter was Stuxnet'ed?
ouch 🤣