Michelle @Michelle - 22h
Why do they have to look dead like that when they’re sleeping… #bufforpington #chickens #beginner
Michelle @Michelle - 2d
Hopefully doing this all correctly… #bufforpington #chickens #beginner https://image.nostr.build/3315315c47ca05a5a4fac7a766be844a616176634e18f06f5c5dfc266565431b.jpg https://image.nostr.build/c4f1c75eaccb9de016b2dce1865b8bf33a651b46c6b737a05a337373dc731715.jpg
You'll probably like it here then. It is social media but there aren't algorithms trying to push extreme emotional messages to get a reaction. Nostr lets you explore many different formats like short Tweet like content, images like Instagram, long posts like Medium, groups and more. It also let's you curate your personal "algorithm" by following people, hashtags and blocking and muting words you don't want to see. The learning curve may be steep but it's worth it imo. Personally I like following hashtags like #chickens and #introductions and others, to help pull in content I might like and also pulls from outside just the people I follow, so I see more from people I don't follow
dread @dread - 1y
our eggs are multiplying as fast as Dan on da nostr #eggs #chickens #grownostr https://image.nostr.build/76ee8576e33ea799a91e8d61ad7f343d56d5d6b605f12b5c3dadef7361db368d.jpg
Our chickens are laying a LOT more eggs than we can consume. Now what? #asknostr #chickens #farming #grownostr
dread @dread - 2y
Three chickens eaten by a predator last night. 😢 we left them out of the coop overnight 💔 #hardLessons #grownostr #chickens
Dos Huevos! #eggsplosion #grownostr #chickens https://cdn.nostr.build/i/36a834c368d02250a957dad94823b9a4ede16d566f8d74912e59fcf9573e2a75.jpg
101a1 - 2y
What's a good space for the run of a chicken tractor? My plan is 6 layers. The coop is found to be 24 sq ft with additional space for playing boxes. I've seen anywhere from 8sq ft per bird to 15sq ft. Cheers. #grownostr #chickens
Guysmilely @guysmilely - 2y
My local feed store selling chickens. #grownostr #chickens https://nostr.build/i/f5422eba6babcd0b9e2f301e1765b706d0a69c078706561b3d92d694ada9ac75.jpg
0f401 - 2y
These feed barrels always catch just enough water after a rain for mosquitos to grow in. So I have to manually splash the water out after each rain thanks to the design of the lids. Grateful for rain always but this is a PITA. Anyone have a solution to this besides being under a roof or a sheet of metal that’ll flap around? #grownostr #homesteading #chickens https://nostr.build/i/0710f079b433d8d5d055b7f7d2be479781cd7278cad6fbb04cbacf71d305d798.jpg
fd2b0 - 2y
Introducing the chicks to the pugs. 📷 by Morgan O’Neil Photography #chickens #grownostr #weddingphotography https://nostr.build/i/fb78c15b97ea16dcef782022b00cdf5fe76696b39d188686b27ad42dc812fa30.jpg
5bf5a - 2y
Got one garden uncovered today and piled up compost. The chickens also enjoyed some rabbit black gold to pick through #grownostr is this also #permies ? #chickens https://nostr.build/i/b045893e05b122fec3e44ae956b877d03ff0d94fd531812f6dc5c2e95814998d.jpg https://nostr.build/i/d9fad7e8d32d349c754c89800cfb6c86347d76226961e60a504c54d71e83556a.jpg
79775 - 2y
Well, it seems the chicks have outgrown their brooder box. They need to be moved into the big chicken house this week. https://i.nostrimg.com/9f00b499ee8d3845f2733a647c64616fee914fcbf1b6d354591cb0b48c9b1026/file.jpg To all the chicken experts, what is your procedure for introducing pullets to the hen flock? #grownostr #chickens #homesteading #foodsovereignty
6f77a - 2y
My observation skills need some work. There are obviously 4 chicks and not 3. #chickens #grownostr
d1f8a - 2y
Cluck in a bucket. New one on me. #chickenstr #chickens #ChestnutRidgeTN #homesteader #middleTN #GrowNostr #TENNESSEE nostr:nevent1qqsprkd8p86hcjmk79zjgecp44kdd5tyvt3m8utqwftug3nfgy4x3cqzyrgl3trulwkqkad5nwss098evxezacht7drpa5lqcqnz4aa9a2pk2qcyqqqqgfcshvpdj
92518 - 2y
Anybody have a favorite way to store extra chicken feed? We buy a 3 month supply at one time, and just added to our flock… so like 30 birds now. We have a few plastic mismatched trash can type feed cans, but I’d like to improve on this if possible. Would you do food grade steel? Some kind of tote? TIA #chickens #grownosrt #question #homestead #backyardchickens
e3bee - 2y
https://nostr.build/av/nostr.build_7444e0e80dfc639845bf3520762e734a38549a7d3fce855c275c867a79f939cf.mov Woooo! We finally got to pick up our chicks! 🐥 They will be living in a dog crate lined with cardboard so they can’t escape for a short while until they grow feathers. Now we just need to get the coop finished up! The brown ones are ISA Browns and the black are Crèvecoeur. #chickens #babychicks #compost #homesteading
Finally observed Mr. Rooster getting his job done lol. Hopefully I'll have some fertile #americanbresse eggs soon. #chickens #grownostr
06445 - 2y
My #gsd is finally done. Did it turn into a #myonethreething by any chance? Well yes it did. Mrs Jed usually helps with this stuff, but today I flew solo. Got the bunnies moved out of the new garden space, and added a metal lid to their enclosure. (Tarps suck) I had bantams in there for a bit. Between all the stuff going on in a 10x10 enclosure, it left a really great bed of fluffy compost. This was definitely a “problem is a solution” day. The plan has always been to defoliate and fertilize in patches, but the timing on this one was perfect. Tomorrow, water lines and automation for the rabbits, get the crap out of the way, and rake and fence in that new portion of the garden. Maybe plant a tomato… 😁 #homestead #chickens #rabbits
b099f - 2y
It's Magic! Smoked Pork Shoulder for dinner and all the extra turned into 16 Pint jars of delicious pressure canned roast. YUMMY #canning #grownostr #gardens # eggs #chickens #gardening #pressurecanning #homesteading https://i.imgur.com/KCpzHRs.jpg