mleku @mleku - 10h
the actions of propagandists is a form of parasitism the usual method of dealing with parasites is finding a poison that eradicates them or makes them unable to couple with their hosts certain ideas just need to become propagated and they act to counter the poison that they have in them that makes them into unwitting servants of the hidden hand but i don't worry about other people, they are not my responsibility i'm more concerned with the fact that the conditions of the earth's magnetic field and a current phase of the fields of all the stars around us is going to lead to such a massive natural disaster that most of those clowns will just die because they are too brainwashed to be able to think the very fact of the major key program they have prosecuted in the last 60 years has been to convince everyone that humans are causing a disaster means that people are already going to be passive to what happens but if you are resistant to it already, you have the freedom to choose not to be caught in teh places where it is going to destroy everything which is basically most of the places already people are congregated in large numbers... heavy rains and storms will cause the collapse of the ground, earthquakes will topple their towers, tsunamis will wash them away, and i'm especially looking forward to when a flare compresses the van allen belt enough and we start to see cosmic thunderbolts and whole regions are blown apart by God level voltages