Five @Five - 6mo
## Devs Alert! Let's try this experiment: I'm going to try to boost productivity of the development of [SatShoot]( this way: 1. Will create Tickets in SatShoot pointing to [GitHub issues]( 2. Share it as kind1 for everyone to see 3. Waiting for aspiring open-source devs to bid on these issues in SatShoot Why not just post bounties you may ask? I don't believe bounties are a good way to incentivize development. You start to work on sth and _hope_ to win the bounty. If you don't win you don't make money, your time is mostly wasted. Only one person or team can win because that's easier to handle for the poster of the bounty. So you don't bother, it's too much risk. You need the precommitment from the job poster but he needs competition to hire the best dev available. This is why contract negotiation works better than bounties. However, you can get the competitive nature of bounties with SatShoot: Everyone interested will bid on the Ticket. You can negotiate with the potential Client in DM and even edit things until you come to agreement BUT ANYONE CAN BID on Tickets as long as they are NOT taken. Competition and contract negotiation. A Ticket in SatShoot is essentially a Request For Quote and an Offer is a Bid or a Quote to solve that problem. I think this model captures best what nostr is about: Open competition in an Unstoppable market fueled by freedom tech. What do you guys think? Let me know and I'll be excited to run this experiment! #satshoot #grownostr
Silberengel @Silberengel - 6mo
Have you considered integrating satshoot with ngit issues?
nostr:npub15qydau2hjma6ngxkl2cyar74wzyjshvl65za5k5rl69264ar2exs5cyejr nostr:npub1wqfzz2p880wq0tumuae9lfwyhs8uz35xd0kr34zrvrwyh3kvrzuskcqsyn
Like, couldn't a bounty event be a special kind of NIP-34 issue, like a bug or feature request? Then it would have the status choices "Open, Applied, Closed, and Draft", indicating how potential bidders should interact with it. Then anyone using GitWorkshop, or similar, could post and negotiate bounties on Nostr, linked to their git repo, and without requiring anyone to use GitHub.
I mean, you could still embed a nostr or hyperlink to that issue, within a kind 01, to get it more visibility, but the convo would stay entirely on Nostr.
An excellent thought! I think linking the Contract negotiation (ie SatShoot) to the actual problem (expressed in git issues in this case) would be doable with an e-tag pointing to a kind 1621 from a SatShoot Ticket(kind 32767). As a left-side-of-the-bell-curve approach I would just copy paste URL-s pointing to GitHub AND if I can make it work, the repo is already available there. GitHub is certainly quite advanced in UI around issues but doing it in parallel then maybe also switching would be a great win! PRs already work with ngit as I tested it with . Will look into this!
Could just double-post the issue to GitHub, over the API, and have both links in it.
Let's try this nostr:nevent1qqs8rf6g23y8wy9q5lr6gg8ynhk8ujq2w8hu6yjajcwu02ynrddzdzsppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0qgsdqnk0xw3s8fvc2t7mdq0d3dqjyqd6shvdyxv6a3eukcngr4324yqrqsqqqqqprcgzus nostr:nevent1qqsqu82w84fzdg0ndlj29zn7d6q0g9l3hyrfqqknhngzdrvyw7mc0dsppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0qgsdqnk0xw3s8fvc2t7mdq0d3dqjyqd6shvdyxv6a3eukcngr4324yqrqsqqqqqpl6rmg2 nostr:nevent1qqsd2kau76zd50z7znh4sms9fxg4qf3qyy6yu4ahap6apn5aphgp2tsppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0qgsdqnk0xw3s8fvc2t7mdq0d3dqjyqd6shvdyxv6a3eukcngr4324yqrqsqqqqqpz5kza8 nostr:nevent1qqs2pft9qcynxuj8pqhmy5y4fn6raxzaetx5znjkhdkshzx8lgmqfagppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0qgsdqnk0xw3s8fvc2t7mdq0d3dqjyqd6shvdyxv6a3eukcngr4324yqrqsqqqqqpa20jjc