walker @walker - 5mo
Broke 1000 nostr:npub10qrssqjsydd38j8mv7h27dq0ynpns3djgu88mhr7cr2qcqrgyezspkxqj8 followers on Nostr. Thanks to everyone who has supported the show so far — August is going to be a big month… stay tuned 👀 #Titcoin https://bitcoinpodcast.net https://i.nostr.build/gF0IiR1ed0pK6574.jpg
mleku @mleku - 5mo
is there really this many puerile bitcoiners out there that you can make a living doing this? you know what puerile means, i hope? you with titcoin, pablo with his nutting in relays ffs, how old are you?
they can go suck their own balls, because they have no spine
i am Sir Go Fuck Yourself A Lot if you don't like my rhymes go trot because they as bad as lancelot in the holy grail
If you removed the stick from your ass you might find it easier to take a joke. Don’t take life too seriously; no one gets out alive.
King of Swamp Castle: You only killed the bride's father, you know. Sir Lancelot: Well, I didn't mean to. King of Swamp Castle: Didn't mean to? You put your sword right through his head. Sir Lancelot: Oh dear... is he all right?
don't worry, you won't get out alive if you think that's funny
You seem fun.
Wait where is the shitcoinery?
Ecash is not a “shitcoin.” It’s a way to use Bitcoin with near perfect privacy, but with tradeoffs. nostr:npub12rv5lskctqxxs2c8rf2zlzc7xx3qpvzs3w4etgemauy9thegr43sf485vg explains this in detail on nostr:npub10qrssqjsydd38j8mv7h27dq0ynpns3djgu88mhr7cr2qcqrgyezspkxqj8 (which is a podcast, not a shitcoin 😉): https://youtu.be/ipPqYIA7JkM
ecash is great but it's identical in trust issues as a bank i'm not gonna trust a custodian any more than a bank, and the bank, that's why i run a bitcoin node xapo just emailed me the other day to tell me their bitcoin/lightning enabled service annual fee is to rise to 1000 USD in september they say that if you hodl 2 bitcoins in their account you get a 150USD annual fee so i save 0.7% on fees if i risk 120k with them, right uh, no, i'll keep my node running thanks if i manage to push it to even half a bitcoin i'll have stamped metal cold keys next, what thet fuck kind of cocaine are these people sniffing?
technically they are sats just high trust
risk of being rugged
liminal @liminal - 5mo
i like this mentality. nostr:nevent1qqsyn6vzlsgev38vtr4jyayjgpykwmuwlwkjdu3suavpfxpnr2llmqgpr4mhxue69uhkummnw3ezucnfw33k76twv4ezuum0vd5kzmp0qgsdhcrqt2w8x9et446j8ge8kgmd2h4ykc6wsrnc4yqnmdu3lr74ktqrqsqqqqqpunuxtw
welcome to highschool you mean
yeah, proof of assets is a big deal in all such certificate issuance businesses it's the thing about bitcoin and lightning, they are sats... everything else is bullshit
i don't give a fuck what you think is ok, the adults in the room cringe at this shit and it's boring and not funny and not only that your nutsacks are fucking bitcoin free banks go do some history on the late 19th century period of banking in the USA