almost all of the "popular" mainstream languages share a common feature...
every one of them, nodejs with node_modules, rust with target, move with build, and there's probably others i am forgetting, literally copy almost the same big giant set of standard library code into that directory
if the disk had deduplication capability, i guess that might not be so bad, i think that ZFS has that, but i'm not even going to talk about this Unix :TM: bullshit because they deigned to force a whole different CLI API on us to just access them and since i don't need to learn this to use ext4 or btrfs, in the basic use case, fuck them, what the fuck were they thinking not binding it into mount and fucking fsck???
so, if i've been working for a while on a hundred projects or more, my disk has to have this many copies of the standard libraries, plus all the other dependencies that each one pulls in, and very often, in most languages there is dozens of more libraries that are basically de facto standard libraries, and pretty much will be stuffed in that directory for you every last one
of course, Go doesn't do this shit... in $GOROOT/pkg/mod there is a folder with version namespaces on each version of everything that everything you have ever used lives, and you can remove all of it with "go clean -modcache" or some command like this
every time you start a new project in these other systems, first step includes DOWNLOADING AND WRITING this shit to your disk. AGAIN.
if you think #golang is not a good language or toolchain, maybe that's because you have more money than brains
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