Vitor Pamplona @Vitor Pamplona - 2y
Amethyst 0.40.3: Adjustments and BugFixes - BugFix for mixing NIP94 and NIP95 selections on the Video Feed - BugFix for now showing the error message when the phone can't open the File - Adds language to warn that NIP94 and 95 are new and other clients might not see it. - Adds Tamil translations by nostr:npub1ltx67888tz7lqnxlrg06x234vjnq349tcfyp52r0lstclp548mcqnuz40t Download: - Play Edition with Translations: - F-Droid Edition without Translations:
3f1f6 - 2y
One update every hour?
ChadF @ChadF - 2y
I can’t keep up. 😝
f9a35 - 2y
But it seems that build are not pushed anymore to the F-Droid Repo? Had to skip the last 4-5 updated versions and installed it now manually from Github.
04ea5 - 2y
Feels awesome to see தமிழ் on Amethyst 😊😊 Will check it out with the next Play Store update Thanks #[1] 🙏🙏 #[0]
6e11d - 2y
How long does it take to appear in Play Market after our announcement ?
0d3f0 - 2y
What do you think about this feature? Thanks! nostr:nevent1qqsf2pyggvysdnsf5v0ud7wl56smgx9rrp90936ww0qn9x5nswxzn2cpzemhxue69uhkummnw3ezu6twdaehgcfwvd3j7q3qp5ls8993zlhwfqet6v0wg9tn85pcdy5v0k4wq4f9fqll3j0tq34sxpqqqqqqzjnflvj
96c87 - 2y
The video player is a massive improvement! Very slick!
0afb3 - 2y
Support #av1 codec?
Next version will have mp3 support. I was hoping to do some cool waveform animations but all ready-made libraries for this keep randomly crashing the app. I will ship today with a basic support. nostr:nevent1qqsvftaw8caew350g33k653evhxuahx0kn0nznvahaesqsynw9luzfgpr4mhxue69uhkummnw3ezucnfw33k76twv4ezuum0vd5kzmp0qgsfdjrhvhvspvtf7h7a30qeh7tmmrrdzcllg94gn4zuhd72cjxfgvcrqsqqqqqp90x4na
matata @matata - 2y
audio animations creative
that is blurred out v weirdly for me
f5d70 - 2y
All videos show as blurred images for me .. 🤷🏼♂️
They are either still loading or the app could not find the video.
How about .wav files? @nostr:nevent1qqsv58nrusaks7n87majnh427f5c80ujuap9kfn8zy6mfgp3hazkvpspp4mhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mqzyqgct0l8gjqdjqrk48jgzx327pnr7lj38hxvnlgzdscj8sefg5ftkqcyqqqqqqguj9dww
dd8d7 - 2y
Is this a bot acc? Coz, I see posts related to Tamil being replied / quoted. But, no replies once we query it.