Podcasting 2.0 shill trying to spread the good word of Value4Value and DeMu. Proud Knight of the No Agenda round table.
ChadF @ChadF - 37m
hey some of those came from #AlbyHub running on my own node.
ChadF @ChadF - 2h
New Deafheaven track!! #tunestr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2h_WVPSoMwU
ChadF @ChadF - 7h
Yeah nostr:npub1yvscx9vrmpcmwcmydrm8lauqdpngum4ne8xmkgc2d4rcaxrx7tkswdwzdu and nostr:npub19ha7tju4teqp3dmwv4p28wrcy9zd6h6hxkg5mwvjrlfycweazpkse2q0fa
ChadF @ChadF - 15h
I'm relistening to this myself and I was wondering why it was 3 hours long and it's because it has episode 200.7 inside of it which has 200.5 inside of it. 200.8(200.7(200.5)) podception
ChadF @ChadF - 16h
BowlAfterBowl with @Sir_Spencer,_Wolf_of_KC_🐺 and @DuhLaurien_✌🏻👽💨
First time I've seen this and I definitely lol'd a few times.
ChadF @ChadF - 17h
I remembered over the weekend that No Agenda with nostr:npub13ql75nq8rldygpkjke47y893akh5tglqtqzs6cspancaxktthsusvfqcg7 and John C Dvorak made these recap episode back in the day and wanted to share one. Unfortunately the latest one is from 2016 but they were on their 8th year back then and the V4V model was in full force. https://www.noagendashow.net/listen/850
ChadF @ChadF - 20h
The 🐳 cracks me up.
It all makes sense now. https://media.tenor.com/iAMuI4BD10AAAAAC/matrix-online.gif
ChadF @ChadF - 21h
nostr:npub1yvscx9vrmpcmwcmydrm8lauqdpngum4ne8xmkgc2d4rcaxrx7tkswdwzdu has helped nostr:npub1c8n9qhqzm2x3kzjm84kmdcvm96ezmn257r5xxphv3gsnjq4nz4lqelne96 out with some of the Bitcoin stuff already. For the IRC visit troll room.io click "connect to the troll room", pick a nickname and enter #BowlAfterBowl in for the channel. nostr:npub18gp8p84hjmjh9zejdlyqqcg22sj6x3qra0q2ng4v6cxxg95sav8q0mcg5e nostr:npub19ha7tju4teqp3dmwv4p28wrcy9zd6h6hxkg5mwvjrlfycweazpkse2q0fa nostr:npub15z2javq62eh2xpms7yew0uzqsk4dr7t3q3dq4903uuxdyw2ca3kstx6q95 are the real pros for the music stuff.
ChadF @ChadF - 1d
ITG! The Sunday Morning 2 Hour Folk Hour is Live right now. https://podverse.fm/episode/EBNDWDoP7
ChadF @ChadF - 2d
This is the dude that taught me most of what I know about setting up and running a lightning node. Even organized 2 ROF (rings of fire) that I'm in. https://image.nostr.build/5995636f3a80c3d881d74ba223796bd61fe28d961a97f82290c8885149da0862.jpg nostr:note16d0365ncu5j4yh7v8e6jq9w3gwmhetzj3reedru2meafylxwq7xsc9chjm
Added to queue
I see everyone building other types of apps on Nostr besides podcasting apps. Just curious why someone hasn't built or added podcasting to a Nostr app. Kind of like what Breez did a few years back. It was a wallet that added podcasting.
Maybe Fountain adding NWC will mean you don't have to rely on a Fountain account so much. Although the wallet they provided is top notch.
Why is Fountain the only Nostr podcasting app? #asknostr
getalby.com/node is where I go to add my coinos NWC connection.
That looks like a #Yuengling tap handle to me. 🧐
We even have a track for it. https://fountain.fm/album/KNIcDutFwavKVDPe41oD
I saw one the other day and hit the report button in Damus.