#GN it is time for my repose, after a productive day, 3 hours on the paid gig, and the rest of the day pottering around and making BBQ and finally finishing my nip-98 auth for HTTP on #realy
tomorrow, moar paid gig labors, i have pretty much got a parameterizable user data comparison scheme together for a simple fuzzy matching scheme to back a recommendation engine for gamers to talk to and maybe play with other gamers
and then i will start building out the JSON version of the HTTP only protocol i designed for a simpler text format... and probably also make it so it will be easily changed to other encoding formats such as the one i designed at https://protocol.realy.lol - which is more or less looks like a thing like email... which is what inspired it, but also because i know from experience that this kind of structure is superior to shitty garbage like JSON
it will just be a custom HTTP header to select the encoder
there is some NIP proposals around for this kind of encoder selection right in the HTTP header, i will be coordinating with nostr:nprofile1qyv8wumn8ghj7mnxv33zumn0wdmksetjv5hxxmmd9uqsuamnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0dshszythwden5te0dehhxarj9ekxzmny9uq3jamnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwdehhxamgv4ex2tnrdakj7qgswaehxw309asjumn0wvhxcmmv9uqzq5455pmtewaacws6a73hxkqkea6fjwcm3keq9vqu3q7930nl4k9a4xdllk as he's the main mover on this, but i think he will like what i have already designed as my event and API message encoding scheme for as far as text formatted goes, i just will first implement something that talks JSON with this`nostr+json` or similar parameter in some HTTP header field, Encoding? idk what it is
anyway, amanha, amanha
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