walker @walker - 2mo
Fuck it, we'll do it live... Going to jump on zap.stream in like 10 minutes for a special #BitcoinNewsRoundup episode of nostr:npub10qrssqjsydd38j8mv7h27dq0ynpns3djgu88mhr7cr2qcqrgyezspkxqj8 The live stream will be #NostrOnly https://m.primal.net/MaFf.jpg
nostr:npub1h8nk2346qezka5cpm8jjh3yl5j88pf4ly2ptu7s6uu55wcfqy0wq36rpev nostr:npub1rtlqca8r6auyaw5n5h3l5422dm4sry5dzfee4696fqe8s6qgudks7djtfs nostr:npub1hk0tv47ztd8kekngsuwwycje68umccjzqjr7xgjfqkm8ffcs53dqvv20pf I know it's short notice but if any of you feel like joining you're more than welcome.
No worries brother — I just ripped solo. Missed you though.
Erik Cason @erikcason - 2mo
Sorry dog ate my internet cable so working on repairing that today :/
You can just say “no” Erik. I promise you won’t hurt my feelings.
I’ve had to explain this to a few folks and I have great empathy now for those who have actually lost their homework to their dog eating it.