Laeserin @Laeserin - 2d
“There’s a technique in AI called distillation, which you’re going to hear a lot about. It’s when one model learns from another model,” Sacks explained to Fox News. “Effectively, the student model asks the parent model millions of questions, mimicking the reasoning process and absorbing knowledge.” “They can essentially extract the knowledge out of the model,” he continued. “There’s substantial evidence that what #DeepSeek did here was distill knowledge from OpenAI’s models.” “I don’t think #OpenAI is too happy about this,” Sacks added.
We do something similar with closed-source code, which is why closed-source is sort of pointless. We do something called "penetrative testing", and just probe it and try out all the paths, and then guess the logic and recreate it.
That's why you can only demand payment for computation (dynamic, new effort), not code (static, past effort). Code is only paid for in the creation, where it requires computation.
Yeah, but it's nothing new. They actually didn't innovate, in any way, they just did things that other people invented and were already doing, but for a Chinese audience.
mleku @mleku - 2d
recent evidence suggests that the stories about cartage being a haven of child sacrificing whoring bitches have proven to be true, evidence has been found since about 2014 of this, they exterminated it like you would a rabbit warren in your lettuce garden... almost nobody escaped they found clay vessels with infant skeletons in them, amongst other things, just like the romans claimed there was
They have said themselves that they did not make a technical breakthrough. They just open-sourced everything.
mleku @mleku - 1d
open source > stupid copyright bullshit
the best part of #deepsnek is that this is gonna crater all the closed source projects prospects for future funding investers will be like, "closed source means expensive, pass"
oh, there was another thing that is gonna come out of this that is awesome too AMD was lagging in the general purpose compute space despite their simpler, cheaper hardware and open source AI now they will be looked at again for further cost benefits
AI is now at that stage in its development like when you are writing code and it works, but it's slow, expensive and a bit clunky it works! but now the optimizations start and the race is on for the most streamlined implementations
personally, i am looking forward to when someone builds a model out of the nostr and all of the web pages embedded in the links on it, this will be epic
Laeserin @Laeserin - 1d
Even Meta has been giving up on closed source. Closed-source products open to the public are sort of pointless, anyway. Either something is a secret, and then you keep it to yourself, or it's not and then who cares.
It's not going to be about closed-source to the code, in the future. It's going to be about access to other humans and their creations. Only human interaction will have monetizable value, once AI is ubiquitous. Humans, unlike code or other digitalzable data, cannot be easily replicated. nostr:nevent1qqsy20mh2eha0hwahyhpwrmvrsap6nt2es9lg6z5vzgkzhpd2ugtlpspz3mhxw309akx7cmpd35x7um58g6rsd3e9upzqnyqqft6tz9g9pyaqjvp0s4a4tvcfvj6gkke7mddvmj86w68uwe0qvzqqqqqqyvvr4ar
Same way free online music gave us €500 Taylor Swift concert tickets.
cannot be replicated. full stop.
also, moments are even more rare