mleku @mleku - 21h
i'm not buying into this goldbug "omg geomagnetic disaster #bitcoin ded" narrative entanglement networks already can be made, and i believe they are fast enough to enable a bitcoin network and they have basically zero latency we got 10-25 years to nail this down guys, forget the blokscreech sattelites how about bitcoin entanglement? huh? lfg i knew this was coming but this is the latest on it entanglement means splitting a pair of electrons and embedding one in one device and another in another, and whatever you push at the one, happens to the other, instantaneously (zero time of travel) but as i understood it, the research had not succeeded in modulating a very high bandwidth of transmission but it's coming this is networks that don't have vulnerability to anything except the endpoints losing power on the device this is far more interesting than AI, because it is critical to enabling space travel and it also is critical to bitcoin surviving a disaster that shuts down the internet
the science is actually quite old, but the cost is still very high, i expect this is the next hype bubble we could even see a widespread blackout of the internet in coming days because there is an epic, unprecedentedly large coronal hole coming to face earth very soon,
quantum networks are far more prospective than quantum computers in the near term entanglement doesn't require nearly as low temperatures, i think it can actually be done at room temp
mleku @mleku - 19h
i honestly don't know, i'm inclined to say yes, at the subatomic scale that`s what it is i believe in a deterministic ordering to the universe so anything that seems unpredictable must merely be occluded from your knowledge as to how it happens