sommerfeld @sommerfeld - 4mo
I got #dojo 1.25 up and running again just to take the new #ashigaru wallet. Feels good to have hope again. Here's my new paynym Let's not forget, #freesamourai
The code is public and is a legit samourai fork (that I verified). i haven't looked at the code myself nor tried to reproduce the build, but I know that others (that I sort of trust) did it. I still created a new fresh wallet and will try with small amounts.
Dojo? About 30 GB The fulcrum indexer? 140 GB
No whirlpool yet but a man can dream
It's working for me without issue using the Tor browser both on the phone and desktop http://ashigaruprvm4u263aoj6wxnipc4jrhb2avjll4nnk255jkdmj2obqqd.onion/
I didnt count with bitcoind which should be 700 GB