Braydon Fuller @Braydon Fuller - 15d
Wasn't a fan of snap, seemed like yet another package manager, but that makes a lot more sense now. It'd be great if the main package manager had it too, because that could have a lot of value for a distro.
Yeah, the inertia and familiarity of apt is one of the reasons of why it's great. However if there was a reason to change, it would be because of app isolation and getting the latest releases. Debian with flatpak sounds like a good option, need to check out Qubes soon too. The AUR system for Arch that can build from source is another that has been convincing. It was necessary to install drivers to print from a Pinebook Pro, as not many distribute ARM binaries for desktop yet. I don't think the Tor Browser had an ARM desktop build yet either, that one takes a bit to build though.