We fast to potentially:
1. Promote cellular healing.
2. Improve insulin resistance & blood pressure.
3. Improve metabolic health in general.
4. Spur weight loss or increase weight maintenance control.
5. Improve sleep.
6. Reduce inflammation.
7. Decrease disease risk.
8. Increase healthspan.
9. Feel great!
The fasting protocol goes like this:
1. Eat a nutritious meal you enjoy this early evening, high in protein, moderate fat, & low carbohydrate (I will be eating a steak, eggs, and small portion of rice). Finish by 8PM and begin fast.
2. Thursday, black coffee & water only (stop coffee before noon).
3. Thursday, light exercise only, walking, maybe very light jog, stretching, or calisthenics.
4. Friday, lunch at noon (I will eat steak and eggs).
#fast #fasting #fastr #health #healthstr
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